Glass and board cutter


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Oct 3, 2004
Santa Fe
My question is for those that are experienced. I am looking to buy a glass and board cutter. It isn't cheap so I want get the best value. What model would you recommend and where to buy it? Thanks.
Fletcher-Terry F-3000


If you plan on cutting Glass, Foam Core, matboard....this is the machine to get - 60 Inch if you have no ceiling height isssues.

2400 welcome to the grumble. there are a few different companies out there that have similair machines, but they seem a bit complexed for the job they are doing. i say go with fletcher. it is hard to find a used one, but it does not hurt to check ebay every once in a while
good luck
Thank you for the replies. I look at Ebay every once in a while, but no luck so far.
What would be a correct price for one of these Fletchers, and which online retailer would you recommend? Thank you again.
2400, I just replied to gperry's question about mat cutters...United's new "Vegas grand opening" catalog has good prices on both Fletcher 2200s and 3000s. You might want to check it out.