giclee mounting


Grumbler in Training
Aug 8, 2002
Great Falls, VA
Have a large (27 x 36) giclee (sgned one of a kind from original oil) & planned a filet, liner and frame -- no mat. Now I have problem of mounting. Maybe I have to mat it?? To do as I planned I would have to cut to image size or wrap it in some way. Do I mount to mounting board or is foamcore sufficient? Must finish this job within two weeks so need answer asap. Please help!!
Heckuva first post Margee...Welcome to the Grumble.
Is the Giclee on paper or canvas? Canvas, no problem, you stretch it like an original oil. If paper, you will probably need to reengineer the whole process to include mats and glass. Generally, altering the paper in any way is discouraged.
Brother Hugh Phibbs may pipe in on this one,but it's interesting to me, sohere goes:

I'd use an 8-ply rag backing board because if its size. I'd either "s" hinge it with the Japanese paper, or wrap the Japanese paper around the piece to the back of the 8-ply and attach on the back.

OK--we got it mounted. If youre using fillets and liners, Id back everything EVERYTHING with 1- or 2-ply rag. I'd never trust wood against a piece. Or aluminum barrier tape.

Nowyou've got fillets/liners done. to frame the package, I'd use the same aluminium barrier tape between piece and moulding's rabbet.

Floating the piece? A whole other issue.

I'm interested in response to this too because I just bought Terpning's new giclee whci Greenwich Workshop sez will look really cool floated. BUT--I may frme it for the gallery, then take it out to resell into a different package. Would love to hear how others would handle your piece.
What ever you do avoid using water based paste it will cause the inks to dissolve and travel and then you will have a BIGGGGGGG problem. Even the slightest moisture will cause this to happen.
MANY THANKS ARTLADY: Didn't even THINK of that one. :eek: If you have a white border of no ink, doya think the water-based paste will work? If you have no border, i.e. image right up to the deckle edge, what do you suggest using for mounting????
Yes, one can use water based paste in areas where there is no ink....just don't splash it around! Whether or not to use them or not depends on conservation thoughts and one's ability to use on different types of paper.

If it's a print on canvas--er, plastic--thats a different story. We've been stretching them for the most part, though I have heard some publishers recommending they be treated more like paper.
thanks to all for advice. it looks like canvas but artist said not to stretch. it would seem there is some controversy on this subject! also, why would you want to paste an original giclee? That would be irreversible!! another question: if a giclee is so sensitive to moisture should it not always be covered w/glass?
Margee: I had a customer who was having problems with Giclee mounting. I contacted Munson Printing, a company that prints a lot of fine art giclees. They said that they should be stretched but between the giclee and the stretcher bars a piece of 3/16 acid free foam should be used. This apparently cushions the edge and will not crack the surface of the print. They said (at least using their materials) that it should never be mounted. As for using glass, they said a conservation glass should be used even though their inks are HP conservation inks.
I stretch Giclee canvases all the time, on stretcher or strainer stock, just like a painting.
Clients are so amazed at how much the look like real paintings.

There are many protective coatings that are used to protect the surface from moisture and many are u.v. protective as well.

I keep a can of u.v. blocking lacquer in matte and gloss finish around just in case I’m not sure if they are protected. A quick test rub will tell. I often, with the artist's permission, spray a glossy finish over a Giclee print on paper as well, to give added depth and protection. Stretching a canvas is a great way to sell large mouldings without the use of mats and glass. I’ll post one here soon!

Many artists will first embellish the prints with paint and some use a gel coat similar to the gel used on canvas transfers.

In my opinion, there is no point to printing on canvas unless it is to be stretched.

Sure, it will crack the ink a little where the print gets pulled over, but, so what?
If you are worried about that, then stretch just outside the image.
My word, spraying a giclee would give me the vapors! Am I overly cautious?? or do you consider it like spraying an artist's pastel? Didn't we have this discussion before? I feel I'd be adulterating the thing?
Hello Mom

I would NEVER spray a pastel or a Giclee without permission!!!
In fact, pastels or Giclee, if placed under glass do not need protection, except maybe from irresponsible framers.

But, since I was the one who helped print and proof the Giclees with the artist and the publisher, we had an opportunity to experiment with different coatings. I did some research, and it turns out there is no single solution.

Now, if we are to stretch a canvas like a painting, it would be much more irresponsible not to protect it with an appropriate coating, or make sure the artist or publisher has done so. The moisture of you fingers alone will damage a print.

Oh, yeah, the lacquer vapors are bad, but it is quick and easy and sprayed outside.
I will be buying a different coating. I believe many printers are using the u.v. protective gel coat used for brush-stroking.

The u.v. protective lacquer I currently use is designed for spraying on photographs.
It is also great for covering up water stains on photos.
Caveat on spraying a protective coat on Giclee...
A fellow framer took in a giclee, and the client wanted them to spray it with a protective coating, said it was recomended by the publisher, even had name of supplier for spray. Framer checked out publishers suggestion, suppliers product etc. and all seemed to be in order, even sprayed a test piece to see how this particular spray worked. When they went to spray the piece there was a clog in the spray tip and the can shot out a large amount of material and formed a blob of it in the center of the print.
The client wants them to replace the piece. They didn't get a waiver from the client before they attempted the proceedure. It is all very sad, and completely preventable.
Publishers should not be releasing artwork that is not stable under normal framing conditions, and certainly shouldn't be leaving the responsibility for part of the printing process up to a framer with a spray can.
:mad: :mad: :mad:
That's sound advice!

I just happen to work with the artist and publisher.It should be their responsibility.
As a framer, I will ask the client if the Giclee is protected. Bet they don't know.
I would sure hate to see a stretched Giclee on canvas get damp after I put a expensive 4" frame on it.
Any reputable publisher will have protected the print, many others will not.
:mad: :mad: :mad: ok not really :eek: