Gets black putty off your hands


SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Apr 29, 2002
Corrales, New Mexico
It's disgusting stuff, but Avon's "Naturals" anti-bactierial liquid hand soap gets black putty off your hands quickly and easily. If you rub it into a spot of putty on your clothes before washing them, it usually gets it out of your clothes, too.

The Peach scent seems to work best.
Dawn dish washing liquid is also great with black putty and any other stain I've come across. Saves a boat load on stain removers.

Have you tried the new Dawn Direct Foam? It's amazing. One little 1/2" puff of foam makes a very sudsy spongeful of cleaning power, and it's supposed to absorb 10 times as much grease as regular Dawn, which is already pretty darn good.
While we're on the topic of cleaning stuff... What can I use to get spagetti sauce and other greasy stains and such out of white cotton/poly? My husband's a chef and comes home sometimes looking like there was an explosion at the Heinz factory and I cannot get the stains out! I'd like to find whoever made the rule that chef's should wear white coats.
been using "softsoap"...."no" pretty well on the black stuff & also keeps hands from being greasy(for awhile, at least)
I love to eat and my motto is, 'If it's good enough to eat, it's good enough to wear' and I do. Not to mention I have 2 teens and lots of little stains.

My miracle is Tide Liquid with Bleach Alternative. I keep a toothbrush by my washing machine. Right from the bottle, I pretreat for an hour or a day or two if I forget to do the laundry. It works on everything, as long as the stain hasn't been touched yet by water or anything else. Why, I could be in one of their commercials, such a believer am I.
Try K2R in a spray can. It will take most anything out of any material including filler wax that gets on mat board. Use your air nozzle to blow out the white powder. I've used it in framing since 1980. Been using it on fabric for 35 years and have still found nothing better.
K2R spot remover should be in your grocery store, usually with the hardware, motor oil and light bulbs.
It comes in a little spray can. Nifty stuff.

Don't use it to try to get putty off your fingers, though.