General Danish Oil Stain


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Mar 10, 2004
I am needing to purchase more stain in 5 gallon buckets, but the source I was getting it no longer carries it. After upteen phone calls and searches on the web, I'm not finding anyone who carries this in the size I need. Would any of you be able to direct me? Thanks!
get copy of Wooden Boat magazine. You don't specify type of stain==oil latex, etc--or color. And since you're in Kansas andnot accessible to decent--read "ocean-type"--marinas, could be a challenge. But lots of stains are available n various colors. Valspar, Deks Olje, are two fantastic companies. But they're boat stains, and varnishes. Don't know yor applications so chime back if you need more help
Do you want the 5 gallon size because of price, handling, or....?

If it's price, I can get you a really good price on large quantities of gallons of the Watco® Danish Oil line. Let me know.