Gemini EZ Spinners?


True Grumbler
Feb 21, 2006
Anyone that's using Gemini's EZ Spinners, can you please comment on them? They seem expensive, but I'm willing to pay for quality. Also, my time to build them is worth something...isn't it? Thank you!
Originally posted by Rimrocker:
Also, my time to build them is worth something...isn't it? Thank you!
I haven't used them but their other products seem well made. However seems like in their monthly newsletter that there are always a number of shops going out of business or something that have several to sell. You might ask them to send you their newsletter or put you in touch with a shop that they know of who has used ones for sale.

Now as for your last question. You have to ask yourself, which do you have more of, Time or Money. Which are you willing to give up to get what you want?
We have the 'two-story' EZ spinner on our counter. IT works fine and we are happy with it. Much better than the static one we used to use...
Stop whispering and shout louder, Val. Other inquiring minds want to know! Of course we could just plug it into Google... Well, what do you know? DUH...

EZ Spinners

Now I know, too.
I DID google it, smarty pants, and got everything from EZ ear plugs to EZ salad spinners!I tried Gemini too. Got some really weird stuff there. I even did the Grumble Search thing, nothing.
So neener-neener, I tried before I asked.

But thanks Hired Help (who are you, anyway? and welcome to the Grumble, btw), for finding it. (How'd you do that?) And why am I always the one to ask if other Inquiring Minds want to know so loud??? I'm not complaining, mind you, I'm really into this Learning Thing right now. You can too teach an old - I mean - middle-aged dog - I mean - woman, new tricks. I'm just a little ol' sponge lately, but geeze you guys, am I the only one around here that doesn't know what all this new stuff is?? Or just the only one dumb-er-brave enough to ask?
And YOU'RE WELCOME, Inquiring Minds!!

BTW, I like the looks of the EZ spinner and mat racks, and think my handy-guy husband might have a new project coming up this winter. Oh Hunnnnny!
Hired, you've been here nearly a year and only have 6 posts??? How'd you do THAT???
Originally posted by Val:

I'm just a little ol' sponge lately, but geeze you guys, am I the only one around here that doesn't know what all this new stuff is?? Or just the only one dumb-er-brave enough to ask?
You're not the only one who doesn't know about the latest framing techniques, Val. And, you are certainly not dumb for asking. Often, I wonder about the same things that you do, except you have already asked the question. ;)
Val, thanks for the welcome. Always remember the only dumb question is the one you don’t ask. BTW the DUH comment was directed at me, not you.

How did I find it? If you put quote marks around your search words, as in “EZ Spinners”, Google searches for the phrase rather than the individual words.

Who am I? When I first registered for the Grumble I was working for someone else hence the Hired Help name and reluctance to post too much. I repaid my kind employer by quitting and opening my own shop in February of this year. I followed your opening trials and tribulations with great interest as they much paralleled my own.

I really must update my profile and pick a new name. For some reason “smarty pants” is not at the top of the list.

Clive. (my real name) (that might work)
Well, thanks for coming out, Clive, and for the explanation of the "google" thing. Sorry about the Smarty Pants (not really, just poking fun, we get to do that here and hope someone doesn't take offense)

(So, how is your new shop going? e-mail me if you want, so we don't frankenthread "EZ Spinners" anymore, or start a new thread)I love it when we hear someone else has learned from, or has had similar to, experiences that we share here. I learn something every day here, it's like going to Framing School every day, except we get to be both the students and the teachers (even if it's teaching what NOT to do! Ha!)