Gecko or Alligator Moulding?


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Feb 1, 2003
West Palm Beach, Florida
Somewhere in my rapidly liquifing brain I see a picture of moulding that has carved gators or geckos on it.

A client asked me for it and I'm wondering if anyone knows a source for this if it exists?

You Florida guys must know!!!


I have seen that moulding within the past month but, worse than your situation, MY brain has begun final dessication and is rapidly turning into "brain jerky"!!

You're right, it is a moulding that is available down here but I will have to do some digging to find the catalog that had it pictured.

Hopefully, another framer will help you out before I can locate my magnifying glasse and get that haze out of my head from all the drugs (pharmaceutical type, that is.) and find it for you.


(Was that the name I was using?? I don't remember.)
The company that comes to my mind is ANIMAUX moulding. They are located in Wilmette, Illinois.

Tel.# 800.336.3289

They have lots of funky mouldings, some with the gheckos or some sort of lizard as well as frogs if I remember correctly.

Good luck,
