G'Day from FiveCorners


WOW Framer
Jul 24, 2001
Buffalo, New York, USA/Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
Sam, aka FiveCorners, phoned me today from New York City. He is scrabbling to hold on and he is living in a one-room apartment with no computer. He hopes to have one in the next couple of weeks so he can once again connect up with the friendly Grumblers who said he could visit them.

He seems to have developed a love/hate relationship with the Big Apple - and he is looking forward to getting out and about and start visiting Grumblers.

So I told Sam I'd say "G"Day" on his behalf to y'all.

Is he here visiting or working/living???

Curious minds want ot know...
He was staying with his brother but that apparently didn't work out very well - and I don't know if he's working or what. He sounded like he was trying to keep his head above water.

I don't know if he's here to stay - sounds like an unhappy camper at the moment - I guess frame shop politics have gotten to him on both continents!
Got another call from Sam this afternoon - he's working at Chelsea Frames in NY somewhere - a large operation with no POS. He is working only as a designer and has to write up orders so others can execute them without re-measuring and their customers must pay in full when placing the order.

Not having a POS is driving poor Sam crazy and he was wondering how "you guys" also without a POS do it.

I told him I was possibly the worst person to ask since I was the only one who had to understand anything I wrote on my work orders.

At the very least, maybe our chat cheered him up.

He feels badly that he has not been able to get in touch with y'all.