Gaudy, did somebody say Gaudy?


PFG, Picture Framing God
Nov 2, 2001
Centennial, CO, USA
You guys can tell me to stop anytime. I'm having fun with this. Working at Michael's for eight years quelled my creativity. In fact creativity at Michael's was actually a hinderance.

This is my big dream, making stuff like this. This is some of the stuff I have been collecting for years. It is very gaudy but I love sparkly things. I hope there is a market for this stuff because if I get the chance my whole store will be full of it.

I have had this burning desire to make this stuff for years. My true plan for my store is to be a combination of framing, obscure art and antiques. I have all these wild plans in my head for jewelery and all kinds of collage art. I'm not looking to be mainstream. I have to say that I have had such good response for some of the things I have added to this point that I do feel there should be at least a limited market. I think it is a good way to use leftover frames too.
OK Kathy, tell me why you are not in your shop full time? I think it is time to tell your story again. What the **** are you waiting for? Didn't you say that you bought an existing frame shop? Where again, does the antique shop fit in?

You are wasting your time at Michaels.
When is your shop open? How much work do you have?
Tell us about your location. Will it support a full-time business? Come on girl, are you pulling our legs?

These frames and ideas are great. Your photography is great, what little of your shop you show is first class. Fess up, what are you waiting for?

It seems, your low self-esteem is the only thing holding you back.

Or is it just money? Do you have a plan to go full-time? What is it?

Please give us an idea of how you plan to move forward.

Are you waiting until the business shows signs of out growing the hours you put in?

Show us more pictures of your shop.

You have wings, you just have to jump!
Kathy your work is simply amazing!!! I do so love shiny things! You are a gal after my own heart!!! Good luck - I am sure once the word gets around you will be up to your eyebrows in customers!!!
Less you embarass me.
OK Kathy, tell me why you are not in your shop full time? I am in my shop fulltime. I work at Michael's from 6am to 10am and my store opens 10:30 to 6. I'm lucky if I get out of my shop by 8 or 9. Michael's is an easy deal when you aren't on the management team and I can do it in my sleep. It is the only income I have had for a year.
Tell us your story again The story is deadly dull. I unadvisedly bought an existing frameshop a year ago. It had been poorly run and I didn't have a clue what I was getting into.

Tell us about your location? The location sucks, they ran sales for 9 years and I am now totally aware of how much better off I would have been starting from scratch.

Will it support a full-time business? Apparently not yet, at least not in framing. I am however thinking of adding and air station for people to fill their tires.(new air compressor)

Fess up, what are you waiting for? I am waiting for the economy to bounce back so that all the cheap-ass customers who did shop here previous will grace my store again.

Or is it just money? Yes Less it is money. I have none left. I didn't plan for the world crisis and to tell you the truth all the remodeling I'd have to do just to make it passable.

It seems, your low self-esteem is the only thing holding you back. Thank you Dr. Less I appreciate the observation. Under normal circumstances my self esteem is usually average. The past year has definitely messed with my head.

Come on girl, are you pulling our legs? Yes Less this is all a big joke. (Too bad the joke is on me)

Please give us an idea of how you plan to move forward Right now the plan is One day at a time.

You have wings, you just have to jump! Funny thing Less my corporation is called "Give Me Wings Inc".(after the song in my signature quote below)I jumped about a year ago and I've been flapping and flailing around ever since.

I have to say that I have had plans of making some of this stuff for years. This month is the first chance I have had to be creative. I hope I can keep this shop alive because it really is my chance to finally use my artistic bent and my framing experience and see if I have what it takes. It would be a shame to not see it happen due to money.(the root of all evil by the way)

This was kind of fun. Like a day at the inquisition. Anything else Less?
Love your collage work, Kathy.
Have you thought about sending a picture and press release to your local paper? Anything to draw attention to yourself and your business will help. Won't cost anything except a little time.

How long does it take to create one of these and how much do you charge? Just curious.
Sorry Kathy

Less wouldn't ask if Less didn't care!
Less, I was happy to answer your questions. I hope it didn't come off as otherwise. If you want more email me.

Curly, If they want it in silver "Presto Chango". I'll bring out a big can of spray paint. :eek:

Deb, It took about six years to part with the odds and ends I used. Each piece had to be honestly evaluated to see if I could give it up. I've said before I can't let this stuff go. I have jars and jars of old jewelery pieces just for this purpose and I can't part with any of it. To tell you the truth when I start going through this stuff I find myself being mesmerized and before you know it I'm out of time.

In reality it took probably 3 hours to arrange and glue. (used hot glue :eek: ) When I'm ready to sell it I'll probably ask $200. I tell you, my shop will be full of thisa stuff now that I am inspired.

I want to thank all you guys for the positive feedback. It means a lot to me. I am honestly not a show off but I love bouncing this stuff off of other framers who's opinions I value.

Your work of art is very nice!!

Reminds me of mirrors that my grandmother used to make. She loved using costume jewelry to make artwork. Brought back good memories.

You need to keep your head up. You can overcome any obstacle that is placed before you!
Now listen! You can DO this!
Your creativity is limitless. You know where to go to get plenty more costume jewelry, old frames, etc.
Less brings an interesting point to the table. live in Colorado. Seems I've been told that the scenery IS LOVELY!!! You obviously have a digital camera I'd kill for. Get up r-e-a-l early, get come sunrises over the mountains. Same with sunsets. Wildlife pix.
You may not sell a ton to people that live in CO, but think about ebay, and posting your pix there!

You are getting some excellent advice from people I would trust to the max. My humble advice would be to listen to them where the business and money end comes in, but, in your spare time, (STOP that laughing!) use that fertile mind! You pix of the cat with the shoes would sell to cat-lovers. Explore cat pix.
And, above all: Make your OWN luck happen FOR YOU! You can do it, girl. I'm pulling for ya!!!

PS: We have found that tasteful, basically unadorned mirrors with deep bevels and really wide, ornate, expensive mouldings sell well.
Try a few, 1 or 2, and see how they do. Yuppies LOVE expensive mirrors.