Fusion 4000 as a laminate?

Pelican Art

Feb 13, 2004
Petaluma, CA
We need to provide a laminated surface on something that has already been drymounted and have a big roll of Fusion 4000. Will it work as a laminate surface?

I'll read Chris P's book at home tonight, but hoped to get something done before I knock off for the night.


It would probably stick to the print, but I would not guarantee that the glue would be clear enough to properly show the print and not be like putting block out material on your windows.

It is glue without an inner carrier sheet of tissue. That is where the name drymount tissue came from. It is a thin layer of paper or tissue that goes through a coater to apply a coating of heat activated glue on each side.

If you really want to put just a coating on the outside go to a craft store and buy a bottle of what is known a podge glue and roll it on with a foam paint roller. Or get a bottle of clear latex paint which is paint before the colours are added and roll it on the same way.

Otherwise I would go with proper laminates such as Seal Print Guard or Drytac. You want a happy cutomer not an unhappy one.
