Full line distributors


Grumbler in Training
May 26, 2004
I am new to the framing business and I have run in to alot of roadblocks trying to get started. First in finding full line distributors to sell to me , since I do not have retail space at the moment. My question is who are the moulding suppliers that are considered high end, middle of the road type quality that don't require retail space? I have been successful with Decor, but I wanted someone in Michigan, to cut down the cost to ship.
Hey Slick,

I don’t think the lack of response here is due to a lack of interest in your query, but rather a “where to begin?” kind of feeling at such a request.

Check out the Picture Framing Magazine site. Click on “buyers guide”. You’ll have to wade through a lot of stuff, but it might head you in the right direction and give you a few leads.

Some (if not most) suppliers/distributors require not only a tax I.D. but also a store front and will not sell to home based operations.

If some Grumblers respond who are near you, you may be able to whittle down the list considerably. But here in New England, Michigan seems like a galaxy far, far away, so, sorry I can’t be of too much help.
Same issue I have had in the past. I have a decent size building near my house, where I do my framing. I have all the displays, etc.. Just use my home phone number, address, etc..
I used to be desperate as well for moulding suppliers.

I found Omega Moulding! They are wonderful and dont care one bit about retail space. Just as long as you have a tax ID number.

I also begged until ROMA gave me an account as well.

I also recently received a Studio catalog. Never ordered from them, but they have been very nice sitting up the account.

Also, Blue Ridge has some nice "classic" frames.

Thank you for the information Bill and Steven. It's frustrating trying to learn the ropes, I appreciate the suggestions
I know of only one distributor who, by company policy, won't sell to framers who don't have storefronts. The rest of them (that I know) all base their pricing decisions on individual situations.

In order to qualify for wholesale prices, wholesale quantities must be purchased, of course. If monthly purchases are small -- typical of a large retail cusatomer, for example -- the distributors are right to decline the orders.

Distributors profit more with larger quantities. The more you buy, the better your prices will be. If you buy 100 frames a week, you'll earn significant discounts, and soon become a dear friend to a lot of moulding distributors. But you will probably have to ask for those discounts; shop around.

If you consolidate your buys of matboard, glass, hardware and other supplies for one large order instead of two or three smaller ones, you will be a more important customer than if you buy in small chunks.

If you pay your bills quickly & earn cash discounts, you have the best possible negotiating position, for whatever amount of business you can offer a supplier. On the other hand, a poor payment history is a real disadvantage in negotiating prices, freight allowances, and other terms with suppliers.

Welcome to The G, Slick.