FTC framing calculator


Grumbler in Training
Dec 9, 2001
n ireland
I have a ftc framing calculator demo but can't find the website again.The programmer is called Brian Peasley from Canada so if you can i would be most grateful.
I have a bunch of info on this product, but it's on my shop computer. My brain is so fallible these days: I'll try to search it tomorrow and let you know, but just in case, give me a heads-up in a few days if I haven't posted it!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MerpsMom:
I have a bunch of info on this product, but it's on my shop computer. My brain is so fallible these days: I'll try to search it tomorrow and let you know, but just in case, give me a heads-up in a few days if I haven't posted it!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I was surfing theGrumble.com and saw your message regarding TFC. I can be reached at bpeasey@shaw.ca. I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.

[This message has been edited by bpeasey (edited December 24, 2001).]
Everything comes to she who procrastinates! Thanx, Brian, I'm most apologetic to our original questioner.
I really miss my mind the most.