Frustrated is me...


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 13, 2002
Fingerlakes Region of NYS
I don't do well when I have computer problems. I bought a color printer to add to my existing laser printer. I installed and had no problem once I designated the laser as the default printer so my POS stuff would print quickly and in b/w.

I shut down my computer at night (may not do this anymore) and the following a.m. I had an error when trying to print to the laser printer. After over 2 hours of messing with it and contacting HP via web support - I uninstalled new printer and reinstalled.

Everything is working fine EXCEPT now my closing reports on my Lifesaver POS are printing all on portrait mode and the ones that are supposed to be landscape - I am losing information on the right(and I don't think I can recreate daily reports).

I am confused and more than that Frustrated by this. If I hadn't gotten the color printer... all would still be fine... now I have problems. Oh woe is me (along with Ellen)
"Never Mind" as quoted by Emily Latella, SNL - I just figured it out - I think. phew.
I thought "Never Mind" was originated by Roseanne- Roseanna-Danna (aka Gilda). I miss her too.
Oh, Amy - "Never Mind Emily"... that is correct and she was saying it to Emily!! oops.
"Eagle rights" Emily Latalle she always ended her segments with "nevermind"

"Oh, Todd" Lisa Luepner

Wasn't Wosanne, Wosanna Danna A Baba Wawa-esque character?
Emily Latella was the one who originated 'Nevermind'.

Roseanne Roseanna-Danna always ended her sketch with, "My daddy would get me in his lap and say, 'Well, my little Roseanne Roseanna-Danna, it just goes to show: It's always something!' "

Remember when she went on and on about, "Do you ever get this little thing between your teeth, and can't get it out? You try and try, but it won't come out." Then she went on and on and on about the different ways we try to get that 'little thing' out. Then she says, "Any you finally get it out and look at it, and you say, 'I don't remember eating THIS!' "
Charles - your memory is very good!! I do remember!! She was something else... definitely one of a kind.
"Frustrated is me... "

Sounds like something Yoda would say on a bad day.