French Matting education

Hi Bob,

I don't know where you can find "hands-on" education. However, I would at least suggest buying Brian Wolf's book "Cutting, Carving and Decorating Mats". Lots of good info. I pretty much taught myself using that book. There is also alot of other useful design elements contained in there as well. Also his video for drawing ink lines is excellent, titled, "The Art of Ink Lines". You can purchase them through PPFA if you are a member. If not, United Mfgs, and M&M Distributors carry these and alot of other instructional books and videos that I've found extremely helpful.

Good luck.


Brian has a great article in the March issue of Decor which I just got in the mail about ink lines with some wonderful decorative elements.

Thanks for the complement FramerDave.

Bob, I do offer workshops in French matting and a variety of other decorative matting techniques. You can contact me privately via the website.

Brian's article looks good. Oddly enough I have a article in this months PFM on ruling lines too! (Brian and I must be on the same wavelength.) Feel free to contact me with any questions.

There was a workshop offered at Decor Expo, NY last weekend taught by Jeff Wanee. I wasn't able to check it out. Can anyone give us a review? There are French matting workshops offered occasionally at the trade shows...keep your eyes peeled.

Originally posted by Maria Nucci Designs:
There was a workshop offered at Decor Expo, NY last weekend taught by Jeff Wanee. I wasn't able to check it out. Can anyone give us a review?

Too much information for too little time! Jeff did a very thorough job of instruction and demonstrating techniques for ruling lines, watercolor washes, and marbled papers, as well as some discussion about design, pricing, etc. But 2 hours just wasn't enough time to learn and to practice. We did come away with a comprehensive materials list, tips for use, a little bit of practice and an e-mail address for questions.

You might check out this i found it quite helpful. kit

All the other people that have been mentioned are invaluable resources also.

By the by don't try to find "Mat Magic here in the states it is not available and the shipping form Europe sources is $100.00 per 6 lbs. I have been using calligraphers inks to good effect.
I just won a set of 3 Brian Wolf instruction videos on ebay. Looks like some fasinating stuff!!
.Ruling pen.
.Top quality camel or sable sign painters brush.
.Top quality watercolors in tubes.
.Good steel straight edge that has a beveled edge.
.Soft pencil.
.Mix your watercolor in water so that the water is pretty much just tinted. Add about a 1/4 teaspoon of sugar, this slows drying time. Make sure the sugar is 100% dissolved.

Lay out your panels with a light pencil line.
Lay your wash using a slanted artists board.
Rule your lines.

Your done: See, now wasn't that easy?
