Freebies ...!


Inactive Account
Sep 5, 1998
New Cumberland, PA
Sure, every once in awhile I get a semi-usable stick of scrap molding the supplier used as a support for the 2-3 sticks that I ordered ... but this time I got two PERFECT sticks of molding (supposedly scrap??) used as supports for the stuff I ordered ... these two are worth more than what I ordered!!

Makes me wonder ... what kind of (good) suprises have YOU experienced when you open those boxes..?
Sometimes I'll order a single sheet of corrugated and hope they package it with a sheet of ArtCare fomeboard, or maybe some silk matboard, as "stiffener." I'm still waiting.

I have ordered "grab-bag" boxes of moulding from Williamson and Juhl Pacific (yeh, you heard right - it was a while ago.) The moulding was close to free and still comes in handy when I have a my-choice rush order.

I found a $20 bill in my winter coat pocket when I put in on the other day for the first time this season. It was mine to begin with, but it was better than finding a used Kleenex.
I think I told this story a few years ago but it was so bizarre that I will have another go at it.

There was a delivery made by UPS that was missing the top third of the length box along with part of the moulding sticks that fitted into that portion of the box! The local framer checked to see if there was anything salvageable out of the shipment and to verify the total damage to the contents and he pulled a brand new 8 iron out of the box!! AND a 6 iron!! The UPS driver had no clue how these golf clubs got into a box of frame moulding but we all knew that, somewhere in the St. Louis area, there was a very dissapointed golfer who received his new set of clubs missing the end of the box and containing a couple of broken sticks of frame moulding where his 6 and 8 irons should have been!

True story.

I unpacked a box from one of my newer suppliers and found some really yummy coffee caramels.

Ron, I did get some discontinued Bainbridge silk mats as support for some 2-ply. The fabric had "smiley" faces drawn on it with a black marker. No wonder it was discontinued.
Wally, Omega sends candy bars in their samples boxes. Are you to eat 'em??

Love the golf club story.
In the 70's I went to a salvage auction in Florida and they auctioned off six boxes of nice moulding about 2000 feet. I bought it for just over $100.00. I went back a few more time and never got lucky again.


I never wanted to pay more than 5 cents a foot after that.
I found three $ 100 bills rolled up and rolling around at the top of the escalator at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago. Reported that I found some money and if someone could identify the number of bills and their value, I'd give them to the owner. Never heard back.


I myself lost - let's see - some $100 bills at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago.

I think there were three of them.

The nice people at Superior Moulding in Mpls occasionally tuck a candy bar in with the moulding.

Once I was tempted to leave it for my employees who build the frames, but then I thought "Nah. I'm sure it was intended for me."


Oh yeah - I found a waterfall in the Omni bar in Atlanta. It wasn't supposed to be there.