Free POS Software


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Leawood, Kansas USA
I don't know anything about the shortened version, but nuTech is offering an EZFramer Express for nothing. This might be a good way for someone to dip a toe into POS. It's currently advertised in Framing Monthly.

I have the full membership and like it fine for what I do with it.

Oops. How did I put this onto Warped?? Would someone please move it to Computers...Etc?
The shortened version works very well for someone who only wants to keep up with detailed customer information and isn't going to use it for reports or inventory purposes. (Like me, for instance!)

I know I read a thread this morning about a quickbooks/pos interface, but I cannot find it now. Anyway, I use quickbooks for accounting and I received an offer yesterday to a free Retailer's Success Kit. Included is a free 30 day trial to the Quickbooks POS. It claims to keep track of inventory, help boost sales, etc. I went online and ordered it. The QB Basic POS is about $800. You can also get a hardware bundle pkg for about $1500. WAY more than I have to spend now, but maybe someone out there is interested.
The thing about a QB POS is that it is generic retail sales. A framing POS (at least the EZ does) comes up asking all the right questions about a framing order. Plus it downloads updates on moulding and matboard prices, and lets you set prices for any specific application, like embossing suede ;)

QB won't do that.

We do our framing orders w/ an old DOS program called "EZ Pricer" - It was written by a framer in Owings Mills - Maryland whose name escapes me at the present

Our POS that keeps track of sales, inventory, customers, vendors, etc. can be had for FREE ! ! !

No gimmicks, no gottchas, totally FREE !

We have been using it for several years - (Hey, the price was right
) Works with or w/o a barcode reader - you can customize it to suit your particular needs