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Thanks to a front-tine garden tiller that just about ripped my shoulders from their sockets a few years back (it was pretty clumpy dirt..), I have had a recurring bursitis problem in both shoulders .... the AMP sander, in spite of being the greatest thing since sliced bread, tends to compound the agony over time. (Those wide mouldings take some cranking...)
I've been thinking about attaching a low-rpm washing-machine motor under the counter, and running a V-belt, with appropriate pully configurations, up to an extension to the bolt which holds the disc on the AMP, removing the handle, rigging up a rheostat and letting her rip (as slowly as I need).
(I know ... I've got entirely too much time on my hands...)
Has anyone tried something like this? And, if so, how's it working??
I've been thinking about attaching a low-rpm washing-machine motor under the counter, and running a V-belt, with appropriate pully configurations, up to an extension to the bolt which holds the disc on the AMP, removing the handle, rigging up a rheostat and letting her rip (as slowly as I need).
(I know ... I've got entirely too much time on my hands...)
Has anyone tried something like this? And, if so, how's it working??