Fram'n Forums

I found some more...

FramerSelect "FrameHead" forum, although restricted to members. (australian)

All of that said, this one blows them all out of the water by its membership, ease of use, archival wealth of information, and content. I love the Grumble!

I started to reply, "Just what I need, another forum to keep up with!" But after looking at a couple, naaaa, I don't think so.

Yeah, Ron and I were posting to the site (which is a mirror site of the PFM site, BTW) but we both stopped a few months ago.

The sites that aren't strictly moderated tend to become whipping posts for framers whose net manners are just a cut above a big belch at the dinner table! Steve Sztopek tries to keep the forum in line but I don't believe that he has time to moderate it on a regular basis.

We have, in the Grumble and the Hitchhikers, the very best of framing forums on the internet IMHO. I would like to see the Aussie Grumble get more attention as I frequent that site to see what problems they are trying to solve down under. But there are very few regular posters on that site.

I would be interested in finding a framing forum in Europe that is used frequently as I find it interesting to read about the techniques and problems of framers in other parts of the world. We probably get most of them right here on the Grumble though and there is little need for them to start their own forum.

Oh one other thing:

I just cruised in on a few.

There are some "posters" (that's people who post) who seem to be grumble people.

Some even seem to have alter egos to grumble personas. And the grumble persona is the nice one!!!

Kinda like "come to the Darkside Luke, I am your Framer . . ."

Does anyone else notice that?

Personally with a name like The Grumble you'd think all the sour apples would be here. Maybe they are, heck I'm here . . . but I fashion myself as more of a salty dog than a sour apple.
Yes, Marc, as we've discussed, there are those posters with multiple personalities. "By day - a mild-mannered Grumbler. By night - rude, crude and anti-social."

You'd think they would sometimes forget themselves and slip into the wrong personality. How embarassing!

The other framing forums I've visited have either suffered from lack-of-activity (a week or more without a new post,) a lack-of-manners or both.
All of that said, this one blows them all out of the water by its membership, ease of use, archival wealth of information, and content. I love the Grumble!
You are right. The Grumble is a very good site: good interaction, very large archive, etc...

We are working on our own (yep - another one... ;) ) bulletin board for Belgium, France, Luxemburg & Holland. It will be mainly in Dutch and French, but all you guys will be welcome too.

I'll be in touch within the next couple of days!

Why another BB why not get Framer (Bill) to add language’s forum’s to the Grumble for the different language requirements, that way all the resources would be keep in the same place.

Just a thought I think would be worth exploring, the technology and skill is here on the Grumble for something to grow into a worldwide BB to cater for framers from all countries, just add the language bit.


<p align="center">
The FRAMERS CAFE is now open...


This new bulletin board for picture framers will be mainly in French & Dutch. It's no competition for The Grumble at all, but an extra place where picture framers of our region (Belgium, Holland, France, Luxemburg) can communicate in their own language. Feel free to post topics or replies in English too.

Visit us... drinks are on the house!
Hey guys go look at the Framers Café………….has the same feel as the Grumble…………what an opportunity for those of you who want to practice you’re European languages.

Kris all the best of luck with the new BB.


Originally posted by Dermot_Cox_Kearns:
what an opportunity for those of you who want to practice you’re European languages.
Or your English one(s)?


Which English the Queens or the USA English and never mind mine I cannot spell to save my life…………………..thank God for spell check.
