PFG, Picture Framing God
This was posted on the Hitchhikers the other day and I was impressed enough that I copied it to post here. It really gives food for thought on what angle a wire should be placed on the frame package. I cannot verify the accuracy of this information but I thought it would interest some of you.
If you are not a PPFA member or don't get the HH, you may find this information helpful.
Someone recently asked about the correct placement of screweyes/ D rings.
I have a chart hanging on the wall that explains the amount of force
on the screweye based on the angle of the wire.
It says:
For any size frame weighing 10lbs.
at 60º the force =6lbs
at 45º ' ' =7lbs
at 30º ' ' = 10lbs
at 15º ' ' =19lbs
at 10º ' ' =29lbs
at 5º ' ' =57lbs
at2º ' ' = 143lbs
The formula used to compute the amount of force is:
Force= 1/2 weightdivided by the sine of angle
Mike Yager,CPF TM
Hobby Lobby
I have had framing come into my shop for refitting/rematting that has the wire almost tight from one screw eye to another! If these figures are accurate, that is one heck of a strain on the frame, screw eyes, and wire!!
I don't know if Mike is a Grumbler but I would like to thank him for this helpful tidbit of information.
If you are not a PPFA member or don't get the HH, you may find this information helpful.
Someone recently asked about the correct placement of screweyes/ D rings.
I have a chart hanging on the wall that explains the amount of force
on the screweye based on the angle of the wire.
It says:
For any size frame weighing 10lbs.
at 60º the force =6lbs
at 45º ' ' =7lbs
at 30º ' ' = 10lbs
at 15º ' ' =19lbs
at 10º ' ' =29lbs
at 5º ' ' =57lbs
at2º ' ' = 143lbs
The formula used to compute the amount of force is:
Force= 1/2 weightdivided by the sine of angle
Mike Yager,CPF TM
Hobby Lobby
I have had framing come into my shop for refitting/rematting that has the wire almost tight from one screw eye to another! If these figures are accurate, that is one heck of a strain on the frame, screw eyes, and wire!!
I don't know if Mike is a Grumbler but I would like to thank him for this helpful tidbit of information.