Framing Video

Philly vintage

Feb 11, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
Can anyone recommend a framing video?

I'm self taught and I've been framing my own work for 15 years and just opened up a retail shop a year ago. So I'm looking for a video with techniques that you formally educated and apprentaced grumbles might possess.
There are a few videos available from Vivian Kistler:

Your best source for education is a major trade show. The next one is DecorExpo-Atlanta in September, but the best one for education is the West Coast Art & Frame show (WCAF) in Las Vegas in January.

You can buy books from Picture Framing Magazine and Decor, as well as some framing distributors.

Also, PPFA has a great bookstore and offers classes at local chapter meetings. They also have their Online Exchange, aka "Hitchhiker".
I started with Vivian's videos until I could get to the WCAF show in Vegas. I refer to some of them for things I don't do very often, such as needlepoint.

These videos are a must have in a framing library IMHO.
I have an instructional video that came with a haircut kit. I'm trying to get my daughter to watch it before she cuts my hair again.

If that works out, I'll post pictures. If not, I won't.

I have a nice collection of baseball caps.