Framing using shadowbox

A tack here; a tack there; a tack here; a tack there---probably for about an hour. We sometimes cut a form from foamcore to slip inside a jersey. Usually all we hear from the framer doing the job is "grumble, grumble, grumble! We never seem to charge enough for these types of mountings, hope you did.
Welcome to the Grumble.

Capt. Ron - Framemaster of the Universe
Hi Ron, thanks for your reply. I thought of stapling them down, it is hard to hide the staples. I still have to figure out what I will charge for the job, besides material.
Thank you all for welcoming me to the site, looks a great information source.
I did a Michael Jordan certified game jersey last fall that cost the client over $700.00. I had tried sewing down jerseys in the past and also using foam-core forms but this client wanted the jersey to hang as naturally as I could make it and still be displayed full length.

I used a heavy plastic clothing hanger (that just happened to be black) and wrapped the shoulder area and across the bottom of the hanger with a 1" strip of orange linen ribbon. Then I hung the jersey on this hanger and tied the hanger down in more than a few places with monofilament line. The jersey was so large that we had to mount it on oversized mat board (Crescent 87114 Carbon Black Suede for the back mat, 87181 Sunset for a border mat at the glass side of the shadowbox). These mat boards were cut to size and mounted to 3/16" foam core before mounting the jersey. The jersey was also tack stitched under the arm holes to keep it spread out and a few places down both sides through only the back of the jersey so it didn't swing and get caught on anything else in the shadowbox, 2 game programs, some photos, and a Jordan autograph. I cut a small hole through the matboard and foam core just under the hook on the wrapped hanger and epoxy glued one of these pegs that they use for hanging cups on a cup rack into the hole. I cut the turned peg off to about 2" and it looked like the hanger was hanging from this peg.

Bruno, I would never consider using staples unless they were stainless steel maritime staples. Eventually they would probably rust and stain the jersey and that is not a good thing. If the jerseys are valuable (like a certified game jersey) I would use extreme caution with mounting it. The weight of a real game jersey is such that, if you just put a few thread stitches through the mounting board, the jersey will surely sag over time and may be damaged by the inadequate support of the couple of stitches used to hold it onto the backing.


Ol' Tom Cat

****4 mitered corners away from that perfect frame****
I thought everyone knew we make a holder for jerseys and they are custom and we will be glad to help you. If you need to see a picture just call our office and tell them what you need and give us your fax number. At the moment I'm in Las Vegas at the trade show.

Superior Picture Frame Products
(800) 231-6229

Have you heard of my old friend "Common Sense?"