Framing the Pope - Parchment Paper

Feb 11, 2004
Chesterfield Missouri
We recently took in a Papal Blessing piece. I'm sure many of you have framed similar pieces.

Using hinges and corners this piece looks like heck, very very wavy and just plain unsightly. Can anyone share tips on how to flatten this thing out.

The customer has authorized us to do what we need to do to flatten it, understanding that our attempt (spray adhesive?) may not be reversable and may expose the piece to long term damaging agents.

She is more concerned with appearance than preservation. However we would prefer to use ideas that are founded in conserving the piece.

Your thoughts and ideas are greatly appreciated.
I have done a number of these. I usually leave them under plate glass (my "cooling" table) for a couple of days. They flatten enough to mount reasonably.

Wait, you said, "very very wavy and just plain unsightly," the ones I have worked with have just been rolled tightly. there is no "wave" to them.

Ummm. I guess I would still try just weighting it down for a time. A SLIGHT misting on the backside before putting it under glass will help relax it some so the weight will have more effect. Just MIST, don't soak it or cause the moisture to seep through to the front.
The Papal blessings that we’ve run across have been made out of paper, not real parchment.

Real parchment is an animal skin which is extremely hygroscopic and any attempt at either “spritzing” with water or using heat to flatten will cause you a <u>major</u> headache.

If you can convince yourself that this document is paper, it should be safe to plunk in a heat press.

If you’re sure that it is parchment, then I would second Cliff’s suggestion of just trying to “weigh” the wrinkles out, but without “misting” it.
Good catch Bill. The ones I have seen have all been paper and not true parchment as well. Hence the suggestion. The multi-colored hand writing (calligraphy sp?) on the papal blessing made me a little nervous with the heat. Hence the glass treatment.
Double the pleasure! This is pretty bizarre (unless the Pope just got off vacation.) I just got another one of these!

I've got the first one under glass as suggested (sans the misting.) The new customer doesn't want us experimenting on hers, so either the cold press will work or she will be content with the "natural" look.

Thanks for your help!