framing software


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Aug 30, 2005
Fremont, California
I'm sure this is a dead horse topic but......

We are thinking about switching out from our current framing software(If it becomes important to the thread I will say who). I was hoping to get everyones input on the pluses and minuses of the framing software that you are using.

Does it integrate with your accounting software?

Is the pricing ALWAYS up to date?

Are the features intuitive and easy to utilise?

Does it link with your CMC if you have one?

Do new employees pick it up quikly?

How easy is it to add products/make adjustments to pricing?

Thanks ahead of time for your input!

{topic moved from main forum to software & techie forum by moderator}
Originally posted by brian..k:
I'm sure this is a dead horse topic but......

We are thinking about switching out from our current framing software(If it becomes important to the thread I will say who).
It is important, otherwise we might recommend the one you're about to ditch....

And would you tell us what's wrong with the one you're changing?

As Jay said, the other thread has some good info too.

While i'm not answering your question directly, i'm offering a sample of results from the recent GRUMBLE Technology survey. I've extracted just what grumblers had to say about their POS choices.

I think you'll find that any of the "top 3" (as noted below) will have timely and accurate vendor pricing updates. Users of these products tend to be very dedicated to their investment, and happy with their choice. They became the top 3 for a good reason
I'm sure many others are also very good - and there are some "less than responsive" vendors out there too...

I wish you luck in your search. I suggest downloading some demos so you can compare them on their merits and ease of use, talking with your staff, and you'll then have the tools to make the right choice for your business.

We couldn't be happier with our POS.


( extracted from Grumble Tech Poll November 2005 )


2005 2004 2003
67% 53% 53% Commercial POS system (see detail below) Large Increase
12% 11% *** Spreadsheet (Excel, etc)
11% 30% 17% Manually with vendor paper chart and/or calculator
07% 01% *** Custom written application
03% 02% *** Database app (Access, Clipper, Foxpro, etc)
01% 01% 06% Did not answer

***=28% combined. Not broken down in 2003


-2005- -2004- -2003-
32.00% 29.69% 32.76% LifeSaver
28.00% 23.44% 22.41% FrameReady
24.00% 21.88% 22.41% SpecialtySoft
05.00% 14.06% 15.52% Fullcalc
04.00% 01.56% 00.00% ESTLite
03.00% 04.69% 05.17% EZ Framer
01.00% 03.13% 00.00% FrameSmart
01.00% 00.00% 00.00% Ferensoft
01.00% 00.00% 00.00% Custom Framer
01.00% 00.00% 00.00% Artteck
00.00% 01.56% 01.72% Artisan Frame Plus


-2005- -2004- -2003-
52.68% 52.56% 51.39% One
22.32% 20.51% 31.94% Two
16.96% 16.67% 09.72% Three
02.68% 03.85% 03.47% Four
01.79% 03.21% 03.47% Five
03.57% 03.20% n/a Six or more


2005 2004
39% 36% Daily backup (This is surprising- should be ~99%)
27% 22% Weekly backup
10% 14% Monthly backup
14% 12% Once in a blue moon
01% 02% I DO NOT back up my data


2005 2004 2003
31% 28% n/a I back up to a CD or DVD
20% 04% n/a I back up to a ram chip
17% 12% n/a I back up to a removable hard drive
12% n/a n/a I back up to another pc in the same office
11% 18% n/a I back up to ZIP disks
04% 07% n/a I back up to floppy disks
04% 06% n/a I back up remotely via the internet
04% 04% n/a I back up to a DAT or streaming cartridge/tape
03% 03% n/a OTHER METHOD (see voting thread)


2005 2004 2003
24% 29% n/a I store backups off-site in case of fire or theft
(This is surprising- should be ~99%)
just a curious ? on teh results- - -would have been interesting to get a breakdown on the LIfesaver users as to BEFORE & AFTER the freebie offer...may well have screwed up the result???
I have used a lot of different pos companies in other shops.

When it came time to open my own I went with Frameready.

Everyone picks it up quickly and it links to the wizard.

Cost was better and great customer service with updates often.
just a curious ? on teh results- - -would have been interesting to get a breakdown on the LIfesaver users as to BEFORE & AFTER the freebie offer...may well have screwed up the result???
Well, their numbers have been in the same ballpark for 3 years now. I believe they had the lion's share of the market before the partnership/alliance with Tru-Vue.

Unfortunately, our polling software is somewhat limited. It can be challenging to design a poll that covers all bases.

Speaking of the November tech poll results, i'm surprised it didnt generate more discussion. Some of the results were interesting:

-(Grumbler) Commercial POS usage was 53% in 2003, 53% in 2004, 67% in 2005.
A lot of people jumped on board this year, likely because of the above. LifeSaver, Specialtysoft, and FrameReady all showed gains. One other showed a drop.

-14% of us are using wireless networks in our shops. Of those, only 50% appear to be protecting their network from snoopers. The other 50% are potentially liable to have their data stolen or their networks abused.
Wireless networks transmit a few blocks, so it's a good idea to assign an access password - at the least. There's a bit of info here about this:;f=4;t=000725
If your wireless router is configured with its default settings, anyone nearby can snag your customer database, documents, pricing, or use your connection for less than legal purposes. If anyone is concerned about this, email me and i'll help you to secure it.

- Only 39% of us do a daily POS backup.
That's actually alarming! (I think it should be closer to 99%)

- 31% back up to CD, 20% to USB or RAM chips. 17% to removable hard drives, 12% to another PC in the same office, 11% zip disks, 4% floppy, 4% internet, 4% DAT tape, 3% other.
RAM chips and removable hard drives are very convenient and fast, but it's probably a good idea NOT to leave these items plugged in when not in use - and its good to have multiple units in the backup rotation. (we have 14 in ours) If a power surge or lightning hit, and the device was connected, it would likely zap the hard drive AND the contents of the backup device.

-Only 24% store backups off-site
This is another alarming result. In the case of fire, weather emergency, or robbery, what would the 76% do to recover their data? Some may have on site fire and waterproof safes, which I didn't ask.

-97% access the internet from their shops
Nothing special, it's just higher than expected. It's a good thing

-DSL is overtaking cable for frame shops at almost 50%. Dialup dropped sharply from 43% to 23%, in the past year.

So we are in the process of converting from FullCalc to Lifesaver. We have found some differences (of course) and we need to know if we are correct in assuming:
a) there seems to be no default mat width. We must add by hand all the reveals, including fillet widths to determine what the total mats width will be. (or we can decide what the total width should be, the machine subtracts the reveals, and what is left over is the top mat width) Is there a way to have a default?
b) There doesn't seem to be any way to add little details for which we charge. For instance, we charge to wash needlework, and to add fabric if necessary to stretch. If we needed to do both of these in one order, we could lump them under 'miscellaneous', but then the assembly team wouldn't know what had to be done.
Other questions will no doubt follow...
Hi Ellen

No math should be necessary. The computer does it automatically.

After you pop in your art/opening dimensions, moulding(s), a mat width appropriate for the size of the piece, and the mat(s), it will figure out the rest for you automatically. The reveals CAN be set as defaults, but the mat widths will vary. Some may need a 2" or a 4" or weighted on the bottom, etc. I'm not sure having defaults there would be too useful. If theyre all the same (say 2.5"), just type that in the first field and it will populate the others for you automatically. (you can tab right past them)

Adding misc detail charges: On the bottom left side of the ticket screen, you'll see "Specials". These are extra items you can add to any order, which price based on a scalable pricing table. (Washing needlework, spacers, french lines, painted bevels, etc are good examples)

To add a new one, go to PRICING -> SPECIALS -> NAME. Type WASH in the next available space and hit OK. Then click on SPECIALS -> PRICE. Right arrow until you see your new item, and populate the table with prices.

The next time you visit the ticket screen, you'll see WASH on the bottom left. When you click this new item, it will charge them accordingly - based on the size of the piece. It will also note the special washing instructions on the workorder that prints for the back room.

If desired, you could do the same for the extra fabric item. We added several to our POS.

If you have any more questions, don't be shy. There are always people on LiveChat that can help too.

Good luck with the migration!