Framing Play Dough

Roxanne Langley

CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Sep 14, 2000
Woodlands, TX
To quote Vivian: we're framers not majicians, however have a client that wants his daughters play dough flower framed. It's been dried out and is about 1 1/2" thick at the highest point.

Has anyone tried framing this stuff, this is actually my first. I'm comfortable wrapping it in stabilitex to keep it all in one piece, however I'm wondering if I shouldn't coat it somehow first.

The frame design is easy but I'm really wondering if I should even attempt this or not. Any thoughts!?!

Enjoying my new location even though it is hotter than @#%^$# right now. :eek:
I'd go with a slight sink mat and a whole bunch of silicone...... :eek: :D

Well at least the sink mat part...

These tend to try and tear themselves apart over the years, so maybe a coating of thinned PVA might be good...let the customer do it.
I actually did frame two of these. The child copied famous impressionist paintings in play dough. I put them in plexi -boxes with very fancy frames around them. Cost the mom a fortune but they looked really great. I pushed tooth picks through the imager everywhere, smoothing the clay over the top so you couldn’t see them. I used a rough textured fabric covered foam board as the base. It was OK except during hot weather, some would fall off and I would have to take it apart and put in more toothpicks. It’s probably added a pound or two in tooth picks alone! I haven’t heard from her in awhile so maybe the work finally got enough toothpicks or she gave up. Stabilitex would have been a better idea, why didn’t I think of that???
Okay here goes nothing I guess. I've decided to combine the 2 suggestions of using the stabilitex and a partial sink mat. The Stabilitex should help hold all the flower petals/leaves in place and by having a fabric covered sink mat in a neutral color this should help keep things from falling off or down into the bottom of the frame. I'm sure glad he has said that money isn't an object on this crazy job. If this works the way I'm envisioning it then I try and post a photo of it when it's done.

Thanks everyone,