Framing Ivory on Silk


Aug 12, 2003
Uxbridge, MA
I have been asked if it would be possible to frame pieces of ivory on a silk background. I haven't seen the pieces of ivory yet but they seem to resemble piano keys, only larger and they are painted. I, of course, smiled confidently and told the client that it could certainly be done and I would get back to him with a design. This is because I was counting on all of you to help me out. What do you think? and Thanks!
I'd do am embossing in foamcore covered with silk of the pieces you need to frame, just trace them out and cut replica pieces a smidge larger than your ivory pieces our of 8ply and arrange them with a bit of atg how you want them layed out and carefully and evenly smush em in your dry mount press. if they want an invisible look then you can use some acid free adhesive or for something decorative you can make some decorative "hooks" that can be made from beading eye pins perhaps using a rather flat end cap bead for decoration.
The silk part is easy enough, just use silk fabric matting. I like rayna's idea of sink mats for these.

The customer may prefer to have the ivory visibly on top of the mat, which would be more difficult to do archivally. Fortunately, ivory (if it is REAL ivory?) is stable, and not porous, so you could get away with hot gluing the pieces down. Oils will cling to the surface of ivory, eventually yellowing, so handle them with gloves.

If these are real ivory, they should be antiques, and may already have an oily, golden patina. Ivory trade is illegal in most places of the world these days.
Thank you both for these tips. I really appreciate the help. I would have responded back to you sooner but I'm having a little trouble navigating the site and couldn't find my own posting until I stumbled onto tonight. Yes, another mental midget joins the framing industry!
General framing questions, like this one, are better posted on the main Grumble forum. It'll be easier for you, and others, to find.

Drop me a note if you're unsure of how to get around the various forums on The Grumble or what they're for. Getting comfortable here will be a very good investment in your time.