Framing hockey jerseys


Grumbler in Training
Dec 8, 2002
I have been a secret follower for awhile now and learning all I can about c/p framing. I have a small frame shop in my home I started about 18 months ago and have been very busy ever since. I try to maintain all the standards in c/p framing ( uv glass "acid free" papers and foamcore...yes I remember the topic on "acid free") . I have a customer with 2 signed hockey jerseys (Mario Lemeiux's Team Canada jersey and an Ottawa Senator Jersey signed by all the players). He chose to shadow box the jerseys identically using Bainbridge 4179 as the base and 4165 for the vertical supports. The plan is to make a foamcore insert to put in the jersey, then stitch everything to the fabric mat 4179. My question is, Is there any chance that the strong red color could "bleed"? My thanks to anyone who can help me. This is a great site and I use the archive all the time. I feel assured I am giving my customers the best up to date info I can.
Hi Trina,

Good question! I don't know. Maybe another Grumbler will. You could always float mount the jersey on rag or Artcare foam a little smaller than the jersey, and then glue the foam to the back board.

Originally posted by Trina:
Is there any chance that the strong red color could "bleed"?
Test a scrap by wetting it and having a piece of material on top of the board, maybe this is excessive but it will give an exagerated example. I expect you will see the result in about a minute.

You could of course space the jersey out on a piece of rag, maybe slightly larger than the jersey itself giving the appearance of a double mat.

My major caution with this project would be fading, that I can vouch for, novacore does fade quickly.

[ 02-19-2003, 01:55 PM: Message edited by: Lance E ]
Most hockey sweaters (jerseys) are polyester/nylon blends (except the really old wool ones). They should not bleed unless they are exposed to something acidic. So unless your customer plans on putting vinegar in the frame you should be ok. You should use UV glass though, remember, reds and oranges will always fade first. Some signature pens do not hold up to UV well either. Always use conservation board and either foam or coroplast.