Framing Forks


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Leawood, Kansas USA
A client wants two forks crossed in the middle and shadow-boxed. Any ideas for mounting them "invisibly", and if using Mylar teeny strips, where would you put them? The background is velvet.

(Okay, don't kill me: if these aren't archival, is silicone in the picture?)
The EZ attachment kit is great, and you can color the thread to match the forks, and is virtually invisible. UMS is a supplier.
Clear silicone has worked the best on these type items. I did eight demitasse spoons in a shadowbox and they looked great. Only tiny daps are needed to make the object hold. You must, however, allow 24 hours before closing the package to allow for outgasing. After that all is fine; when or if it needs to be taken apart later, the silicone will peel right off the object. I also know this from experience with my own shadowboxes framed by someone else twenty some odd years ago. I know there are going to be oppositions to this method so be prepared.
*Biting my tongue on silicone* Sister, you know better...

The place on the forks where the tines merge with the body of the fork is a perfect place for strips, as they pretty much disappear there and can be pretty narrow. Then a second strip at the "waist" of the fork where it narrows. Does this make any sense?
Yup, it does to me, anyway.

The last time we did a shadowbox of memorabilia ( pocket watches, hankies, paper valentines, mother-of-pearl handled knives, baby forks, etc.) we stitched the silver pieces down to a navy suede backer with a grayish taupe thread. The thread came in, around the thingy and out the same hole. The color of the thread made the stitch amazingly virtually invisible. I would have never guessed that it would have been so lovely and easy to do. Much easier than that gloppy silicone. Doesn't silicone have a rep for staining some materials anyway?

edie the plusitsasitdownjob goddess
I completely forgot about EZ Attach: duh. FramerDave, seems the waist is at the high point where they cross. Can't see putting strips there as they'd show both top and bottom?

But I think I've got some good ideas now.
Oh - real forks.

When I read the title of the thread, I was hoping for something like a tuning fork for frames.

I'm sure I will have recovered from the crushing disappointment by the time I finish my second cup of coffee.
