framing and selling art


Mar 14, 2006
Kernersville North Carolina
I would like to open an art gallery to sell military art. Should I hire a seperate framer or learn to frame myself? I love framing and I have had a few framing classes but my job as a aircraft mechanic kept me at bay. Since I have been fired/quit I have some free time to pursue my dreams. That is untill my wife makes me go back to work! I'm going to speak with S.C.O.R.E. today.
Well stuart, welcome to the Grumble.

You are located in the Grumbler framing epicenter of the universe so, if you don't pursue framing and farm it out, you won't have any problem finding somebody to so the work for you!

Doing your own framing is a matter of personal choice and preference in my opinion. If you really enjoyed the framing experiences you have had in the past, you probably will love framing if you get into it full time. It does take some commitment and some resources for equipment but it is the way to go if you are going to operate a retail art gallery.

Good luck.

Welcome to TG - Stuart
I checked out your web-site to see what type of "military art" you were referring to in your post. I might suggest going on a "scouting mission" up thru the Shenandoah Valley and check out other frame shops & galleries to see just what they are selling - this might give you an idea or two as to how to present your gallery to the shopping public.
If you are truly interested in doing your own framing, you should contact Larson/Juhl for information on their "framing schools" as well as other "schools" - try a "Google" search or check out TG's archives.
I think the question is should I learn to frame myself or hire it out? My answer would be to learn yourself first then decide if you want to hire it out. I felll that each owner needs to know hoe to do every aspect of his busn first. Just encase (sp)? someone quits or calls in sick. Be a drag if you can't do this or that and are at the mercy of that person. SO I suggest learn how to do that job then farm it out if you want to or can afford to. You don't have to like it or even be as good at it, but you should least know how to and have the finished work plausable. ( SP )and yes that even includes those dreaded books and cash register. I know of someone who hired a company to do theiir taxes' for them last year and 3 days before filling they found all the records and notes sitting on the footstep of their busn. Undone and returned. No note or excuse just piled up their. Good thing they knew how and what to do ?
Trapper: No, you don't knead a psell chick... this way I won't be nominated next year. :D

Stuart: WTTG. Forget the "schools", go to north Idaho and learn at a university. I've seen the quality of what comes out of the "schools".

If you have the where withall, hire an experienced framer and learn, learn, learn.

And IMHO, I second Mike's suggestion of taking a <strike>shopping</strike> scouting run up the Shenandoah.

Almost forgot to mention: Join the PPFA, participate, and buy ALL the How-to books and DVDs they have in their bookstore and if you aren't sleeping or confering with your loving wife, you're <strike>reading</strike> studying.

The few hundred dollars you spend on those tax deductable business expense reference books will save you tens of thousands in heartache and make you more.
Stuart, Welcome!

The first question you have to answer for yourself is how big a mountain of money are you sitting on?

Can you take the luxury of time, expense and attend a quality school? Are you a hands-on learner, or can you actually read books and watch videos to grow proficient?

Are you able to invest in higher-quality equipment?

Or, do you need to be a framing employee for awhile? Can you stand the cut in pay from your mechanic's job?

Lots and lots of questions - you and your wife have a lot of considerations to investigate.

For better or worse, I'm growing my business at a snail's pace. I would jump at the chance to go all-out, full time, but that's not going to happen. It's my reality for now.

Good luck.
Well, here is another opinion

I would seek out the most successful reseller of military art you could find. Then I would look for at least two more

If I wasn't able to do that, I would give pause to my decision making

But, if you do, then ask what they do. Most all successful biz-types talk too much and some skillful conversation should illicit all the info you need.

I would sure want to know how the really successful are doing whatever it is they do and I would want to look at several models

As I said, if none or few were present, my next question might be "What makes what I do so much more likely to succeed than anyone else?"
Thank you every one for the great advice. I will put it to good use. I have been advised by SCORE (Senior Citizens Orginazation of Retired Entrepreneurs) to stand the course with my website and possibly open a real gallery in the future. Like deaconsbench, I don't have a pile of money, so I will also take it at a snails pace.
So now I am looking for a reasonable framing class near by and then a job as a picture framer to get the experience I need. I will also join PPFA.

P.S. Happy Easter to those that participate!
Good advice Baer...I need to expand and update my framing bookshelf. I was reading a book the other day on framing and looked at when it was published.
Way back in the 50's...