Framing a Pin Collection


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Jul 2, 2004
Dana Point, California
I just got a call today about framing a pin collection (about 75) where the client can open the frame and ad to the collection.
I'm not sure about the best design of this frame. Client would rather not see any hardware or latches. Also need ideas on how he can best ad to it himself easily. Any and all recommendations are greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much.
Think what you call pins are what we call brooches in the UK. If I am right,I am mounting my wifes collection in hinge lidded shadow boxes.(7 to date with another dozen to make) The back of the boxes are covered in the fluffy half of black Valcro,the brooches are then attached using small strips of the hooked half of the Valcro passed through the pin.
Hope this helps.
First off I like the little picture under your name. I have been told it is an Avatar and not a Dragon.

Look through the united or M+M catalogs, I think one of them sells invisible hinges (barrel hinges) that you recess into the frame, use a round magnet to close it and keep it closed.

I have done things like this before, you need one frame for the "door" and a deeper frame for the body.

I use silicone and framespace to keep the glass in the door if it is not too big.

I would put the mat over foamcore so he can push the pin into it and take it out again.

Just a really generalized suggestion, if it were in front of me this would have dragged on for a couple of pages.
Hope it helped.
How often will the customer want to "open" the frame? Could it be that it would be better to have a conventional design in which you could organize the spacing of the pins so more could be added, but by YOU at a later date? I have done this very same design several times for customers who thought they wanted a frame they could open.

I would say if they only were to add more once a year or possibly twice, they would be happier with a conventional design and your added service each time they added new pins.

Just a thought.