Framing a Golf Flag

tom at frfs

Grumbler in Training
Apr 18, 2004
Arvada, CO
I am framing 18 - 13.5" x 20" golf flags for a charity golf tournament. Can anyone offer some advice about mounting techniques and how I can do this fairly inexpensively? I'm thinking about mounting the flag on foam core with a simple black frame and one mat. Am I on track with this? Thanks in advance!
We do a bunch of flags and usually stretch the flag on to acid free foam board using the hem of the flag as attatchment points with straight pins. (I have heard that the Attach-EZ does a good job with this kind of thing, but have no experience with the tool.) We size the foamboard by placing the flag on top of it and sticking a pin through the flag to mark the corners of the hem.
The foamboard mount is glued to a colored mat backer and the piece is either shadowboxed or matted with shims between mat and backer.
Just got through doing about that many for 2 different charity golf tournaments.
You can probably save a bit on materials, but thet are somewhat labor intensive. I figure 10-15 minutes per each for the stretching...Oh, and you will never get them perfectly flat. The embroidery causes the material to gather and pucker, and the nylon has absolutely no "give".
We do quite a few of them for a commercial account. These guys are really cheap and don’t want to spend any money for mounting them.

We provide them with a sink mat with the under mat a contrasting color from the flag. Since the flags are nylon and semi-transparent (and did I mention these guys are cheap?), we mount them with a small triangle of PMA on the four corners where the flag is folded over and seamed.

Not a great solution, but <u>cheap</u>. If you’re going to try this, don’t put PMA over the whole flag. It will wrinkle and pucker.
Has Ron finally seen the light?!
Jerry, I've been using the Attach-EZ for quite a while and have been an advocate for the product both here and on HH.

I just got tired of arguing about it, so I rarely mention it any more.

This is exactly the type of project it was made for, but you didn't hear that from me.
Jerry, If truth were told, you have many more Grumblers and HH's using Attach-EZ, and loving it, than they are willing to admit. And, if blessings are going to get me into heaven, I am surely going there for the hundreds blessings I have received from appreciative framers for bringing this product on to the market.
Ron, Yes, you dare say it--with EZ.
Thank you both for your vote of confidence.

Originally posted by Jerry Ervin:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Ron Eggers:
Dare I say, "Attach-EZ?"
Has Ron finally seen the light?!

I love my AttachEZ
wonderful help.....BUT....everyone seems to have left out the really important info........what did they end up charging for the darn things??????????? anyone ??????
Lots of variables, but the additional cost of framing a pin flag is based on some informal time studies. I figure with the technique I currently use that I can stretch a pin flag in about 20-30 minutes. So I have made a mounting charge in my POS that is titled "pin flag top mount" that reflects the additional charges. It may or may not change with the investment into the Attach EZ system.
So charge what you would for any other frame with the same elements, and add the charge for the extra shop time to mount the pin flag.
The range of prices I have charged for framing pin flags is from $125 to as much as $400 depending on the materials. I did frame the "Tiger Slam" (the 4 pin flags from his consecutive major wins, signed) in a single frame. That frame would have sold for about $800.00 if I hadn't done it for charity (Got $15,500 at auction and the winning bidder was stone sober).