Framing a duck


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Nov 19, 1998
whitewater,wi.53190 usa
I couldn't find the information I need by searching. I have to frame a stuffed duck for a guy. I have never done one of these. What extra charges do you add to the estimate, if any? Also I want to mount this in a shadow box with an extension. Can one use mighty mounts to hold this thing in the box? Any help is gratefully acknowleged. If there is written
info on this jest point me in the right direction.
.....I have to beg the question...what kind of customer would want a stuffed duck framed?... ;)
You have to post pictures when done! Good luck!
A once living duck stuffed or toy stuffed duck?

Putting a taxidermied duck in a shadow box makes me think of a musuem display. One thing you might want to talk to the customer or a taxidermist about is the possiblity of bugs getting into the case and destroying the duck. Find out if there is any special way you should seal it or anything you should add to keep them out. I remember from a class I took on Museum Methods in college that this was a big issue with displays involving animals. :eek:
This a real used-to-be-alive duck. It belonged to the man's father so I think this is a pretty old used-to-be-alive duck. It is in very good condition; (he looks so natural). Sorry, I couldn't resist.

This duck is not positioned on its feet. They extend back from the body. He looks like he is in a flying position or diving position. Although I don't think ducks really "dive". The wings are not extended.

I don't know about little critters getting at this thing, it looks like it has been hanging from a nail from the legs with wire.
What about building a shelf or platform in the frame and having the duck perched on it?
It seems like I've seen that done in one of the framing Business News issues. In the "He frames" and "She frames" section in the back of one of the older ones. They of course did not have a duck on it. But a shelf or platform would keep the strain off the duck itself when hanging.
It sounds like a very strange and challeging job. I too would love to see pictures when you are finished.

As far as the pricing, I would charge by the hour. This one is going to take a while.

Good luck,

Quite a feather in your cap getting this order ... not something you would want to duck out of ... don't wing it when estimating the job ... make sure your bill is big enough ... sorry about all this ... don't really mean to drive you quackers!
I would put the duck in a lighted display box and cap the front with an attractive moulding. Sounds like a fun project...I love challenges!
it looks like it has been hanging from a nail from the legs with wire.
Joe, it sounds like it used to be sort of a "one in the game bag" type of display. Might I suggest that you "hang it by the feet" along with some shot gun shells, an old duck call and maybe a picture of his father (dressed in hunting outfit with his gun and dog if available).

I would suggest adding a couple of decoys also, but then your talking about a really big shadow box. ;)
When giving a quote for something like this be sure and let them know the price could be more depending on materials and time to complete the project.
Joe, I simply can't believe you couldn't find anything in the Grumble archives about framing a stuffed duck.

Good luck, and don't dry mount it.