The FTD of framing is a perfect description. You pay a monthly fee for certain zip codes that you wish to purchase. You then have exclusive rights to those zips.
I just got off the phone with someone who is participating in it and he was too busy to speak with me today but did say it's a good thing, but to not do it right away.
Its interesting that does not earn a commission or take anything but a CC trans fee for the sale. If it works it would mean jobs that require zero time for design and cost 1 1/2 to 3.25%.
A potential prob is that presently adv something like 7-14 mldg. companies. This would mean having to set up new accts for those you do not presently have on your frame wall or use in your existing designs. More paperwork, more checks, more boxes, etc.
It would also seem that left to their own devices, online customers will be more apt to select smaller less expensive or elaborate designs. assured me that the site has features that will prevent customers from designing un-do-able jobs (1/4" mat width, 55x78 w/1/2" maple mldg. and so on).
In the end, it seems like it could be a great thing if it works. There is however alot of room for error.
[This message has been edited by TADPORTER (edited May 13, 2000).]