Frameworks Book


True Grumbler
May 25, 2005
Seattle, WA
Hi All,
Anyone know of a book called Frameworks? I think Baer told me about it, but I don't know the author. It sounds like THE book to have, (history of frames, illustrations, etc..). I found one online by someone named Paul Mitchell, but was unsure whether to buy or not. There are so many "history of frames books out there, it seems, but you never know how good they'll be.
Thanks in advance:)

Yes Sara.. this is it.

Frameworks: Form, Function, and Ornament in European Portrait Frames
By Paul Mitchell and Lynn Roberts
Frameworks is the first survey of portrait frames to enable the reader to identify the most familiar frame styles associated with the major European artistic movements. Period frames are shown on their contemporary pictures, and in later revivals, up to the 20th century. The survey concludes with artists’ frames. The prime features and decorative techniques of frames are compared to styles of architecture, furnishings, and objects d’art. This book is intended as a companion to A History of European Picture Frames. 480 pages, 370 illustrations.

Hardcover, 480 pages $125

Order it from the PFM Bookstore

Thanks Baer! You ROCK! I'll get this book asap... It sounds so lovely.
So, how much will I owe you for all the wisdom you impart to me when I'm 80 and your.... ummmm.. 82?

Nice job on the photo, letter and bottle package... You're like Yoda, ****.
(happy anniversary, your wife's a cutie! well done!)