
Jason Maranto

CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Sep 18, 2002
Tampa, FL
Anyone used this software?


I like the extreme speed and simplicity of the pricing and quoting... it seems to be limited on the POS side of things but if you are a high volume shop who primarily does simple frame jobs it would seem to be a viable choice.

Anybody have any experience with this?

I ordered FrameSmart when it was EasyQuote, and really like it. We are still home-based so it has been all I have needed for quick pricing etc. We are in the running for a storefront, and will know sometime this month if we will get the store or not, so I have upgraded the software just in case. It now does a lot more (invoices, database, etc.), most of which I haven't tried yet, but I will definitely vouch for the super fast and friendly support from the company. I'm hoping that it will be enough to get started with if the storefront comes through.
Thanks for the reply, it's good to know somebody else has a positive impression of this program as well.

I'm going to be testing the new full version in great depth... one of the cooler new features is support for pressure sensitive monitors, you just can't get a more user intuitive interface than this program with a pressure sensitive monitor.

Used in conjuction with a well designed "fill in the blanks" workorder sheet this program could work quite nicely... and be virtually idiot proof for new employees.

And this program is fast... I can price a frame in less than 10 seconds -- speed like that makes this a very tempting option.

Well, geez - I just found out on their new message board they are adding a moulding database function to the software in an upgrade... For FREE!

I've been working on my fist Image set for FrameReady... I think I'm nearly done.

Here's a jpeg:

Qoute Page
