Frame's too big


PFG, Picture Framing God
Nov 21, 2005
Carson City, Nevada
A customer brings in a very old oil painting and wants it put into her very old frame. The painting is 20x30. The frame is 24x36. I didn't realize the difference in the width and length until later...thought I could fabric wrap a liner (her request), but I need a 2' liner for the sides and a 3" liner for the top and bottom. How can I do this?? Thanks in advance for your usual great advice, everyone.
Oops. I meant a 2-inch liner, not a 2-foot one.
Hey Baer, I thought you'd be the first one to jump in here and help me out...are you thinkin' about it?

Think about this, a 2" piece of wood mitered to 45&#186 angle and a 3" piece of wood mitered to a 45&#186, how would you be able to join them together?? One would be over an inch longer in the miter than the other!

It would be easier to tear the old frame apart and cut the one set of legs down than to come up with some method to join two pieces of wood of different widths together.

Oops, I didn't mean to cut in line, Val. :eek:

Sorry. :cool:

That's my problem, the 2-inch/3-inch thing and the frame is an ornate one with ornaments carved into the corners and can't be cut down. Now what?
Please, Framerguy, cut in, I just saw Baer's reply at the top and figured he was watching, that's why I was talking to him. Anyone, cut right in there! My dilemma is that I've procrastinated this and now need to figure it out asap. Argh!
Sorry Val, I was "Repping" in Canada for a minute...

Lets see . . . FE-63 liner.. which has no rabbit. and is 3" wide. Rip 1" off the back of the sides & top and glue that 1" to the bottom so you will have a liner/mat that is 2-2-2-4. [weighted bottom] or just bite into the sides and top that 1".

Rip some flat stock or small stretcher-bar material and glue and tack to the back of the liner material to make a rabit.

Then wrap.

May I suggest a nice unpretentious yet amusing fine <strike>Zin</strike> Antique Satin... :D

Sorry I was so slow... I'll try to be quicker next time.
The way we would do it is to make an entire liner out of the wider stock to fit the painting (with allowance) and then rip the smaller dimension off of the wider stock so you have 3" on two sides and 2" on the others (as needed). Well sanded, primed or gessoed and you will never see the joint and it looks great. We have done this many times with good results.
And there you have the "North" and "South" of how to do it... if you live on the left coast. :D

Great show Rob. Thanks again for the rave review.
Yay! I knew you guys would have the answers! The 3"-rip-off-1"-on-2-sides-glue-on-a-rabbet-then-wrap sounds like the ticket. Thanks Baer (and you were there really quick, like within minutes!!), I already have the fabric, it had to be "just the right color" to match the background, I went through dozens before she agreed to this one. And thanks Rob and Framerguy too. I'll be working on this tomorrow (yep, that's how badly I procrastinated it!). Yawn
You must post pics of how this worked out...I have always wondered if folks have tried to bottom weight a canvas for the optical allusion. Lets get a pic up when you are done Val.
How knows you may have just started a trend???
Yeah, I'm kinda nervous about this one. My client has someone coming to look at it to possibly purchase it, after I get it framed! No pressure here, huh? She has it insured for a lot (5 figures, won't post it here)So I really want to do it right, hence working on it on a closed day,doors locked, no interruptions and no lookie-loos. I'll take a picture and then try to learn how to post it. Haven't gotten there yet. Thanks for the good-luck wishes, I need them!!
Baer, I should have known that you do it already. So you got a liner at #.5 all the way around then you rip down three sides to 3 inches? Is that coorect. Do you do it before the linen is on or after? You amaze me, I shall bow down and listen to thee.

The #FE-63 is a 3" wide "liner". It is 1/2" thick with no rabit. So in a way, it's a wood mat.

I build a 3-3-3-3 liner... then rip a 1/2" off another piece and glue to the bottom for weight.

Putty and sand it all flat and smooth, and re primer it white, grey, or black... what ever you need.

Now lay the liner as you usually wood. :D

You can also do the same thing with a regular flat 3" and 4" liner stock. The "sight" of the top and bottom must match.

Build the liner with the sights all matched up. This will result with two "ears" sticking out at the bottom. Just whack them off, and get layed.
Okay, Okay, Baer. I whacked it, layed it, stopped screwing time, sucked it up and got it done, almost. (For anyone who wonder where that came from, those are not my words, see in "Pajama Grumbling", Baer's reply scolding me for procrastinating and whining about it)
Aaaand, I marked it before I underpinned it, and didn't even see your warning until after I got home. Good Girl, Lassie.
I found a nice coved moulding that fit the wide sides and ripped the other 2 narrower sides. No table saw, had to do it with a hand saw...that wasn't fun, but it worked. Only problem was narrow side also is the shallower side now, in that the tallest part of the coving is cut off and there's a gap under the rabbet of the frame and the liner on those 2 sides. So, I have to build back up the coving toward the back, then wrap with the fabric in the morning. Didn't weight the bottom. Will experiment with that another time, ripping two sides by handsaw was hard enough. Ran out of steam.
Will let ya know how it turned out, and maybe with the earlier thread on how to post pictures now, I can even figure that one out!
Thanks everyone, for the help. Seee? All I had to do was ask!
P.S....The out-of-town client I had to meet at the shop this afternoon left 12 framing orders for me to "do my thing", along with the 17 orders he left last time he was in town. Sweet! Not bad for a Sunday!
Originally posted by Val:
P.S....The out-of-town client I had to meet at the shop this afternoon left 12 framing orders for me to "do my thing", along with the 17 orders he left last time he was in town. Sweet! Not bad for a Sunday!
If that is your day of rest, I would hate to see the rest of your week!
When I came on board on New Year's Day, I promised myself I wouldn't come in on Sundays. I've stuck to it until yesterday, when he asked me to meet him with "more work". He drove all the way up from Hollywood, for another appointment here and to bring the 12 framing projects he didn't want to mail. It snowed and he had to chain up twice (S, Calif. guy, took the chains off 20 miles too soon!), and then had a flat tire in Reno on Saturday. I just couldn't turn him down... "Sorry, you'll have to drive back to Hollywood, I'm having my day of rest...". Plus, I procrastinated that "other" project. Whew. Once in awhile, ya just gotta do it. I can rest next Sunday. I hope!