Frames as furniture


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 7, 2004
check this out, cool stuff!

First click "enter website" - you'll need Macromedia Flash 6

Then click "works" that will appear bottom left

Then click "objects design" that appears top right.

Then "frames" appears as the first option - click it and behold!

The piece in picture #1 sells for $12,000.00.
That is really neat!
Now we know what to do with left over moldings!!

Still trying to find some way to use old corner samples...humm.......

A professional designer can come up with ideas like this, and we, who have spent our lives working with the stuff, make jewelry boxes. Why is that?

Are design schools better than we realize, or are some people just smarter than most of us?

I spent months trying to lay out a store, just could not make it work in the space. I even built a scale model with all the counters, display racks, work tables, everything. I could not get every thing to work with a four foot wide isle between each table and rack. I was going nuts.

I have laid out big box stores a dozen times in my career, never had a problem. I try doing one for myself, I end up going to a professional designer.

He had the problem solved in less than five minutes, it was amazing. Twenty minutes later, he not only had the whole store and shop completely laid out, he had the colors, sources for racks and work benches, right down to a new logo and business cards. Even the signs were included. I spend months, he spends twenty minutes.

Can't figure it out. This one with the mouldings is amazing. Thousands of us, working with mouldings every day, and a person who is not even in our industry comes up with this. Go figure.

It's very clever, but I do have one critique. Why are the cut ends of the frames not finished? There are burn marks from the saw blade evident. A neat concept, but not necessarily carried out very well.

Can't fault them for originality, but I think with the design skills I have seen exhibited by some of you Grumblers we could transcend the frame very quickly.

Perhaps in our next framing competition we could have a catagory for best use of mouilding in a non-traditional manner.

John, you hit on a point that has bothered me for ages. Why can we not do for ourselves what we can do so easily for others? You could design the workspace flow for a major operation, and were stymied at designing your own. Would it had mattered if you were not doing it for yourself?
What keeps us from gaining aesthetic distance from ourselves? (Probably what keeps us from looking at our businesses as businesses...but I digress).
I ran this by Mary, the young woman who works for me. She looked at the pictures and said that although the idea is good, no woman would want to own that furniture. She said it just looks like a major dust collector, and it would be a pain to maintain it.

Her thought on why an outsider was able to come up with this idea, yet generations of picture framers have not, was simple. She said we are working with these materials earning our livings, we do not have the time to sit around and dream up ideas like this. Her contention is that it has nothing to do with talent or intelligence, it's just available time.

Someone who will pay 12Gs for one of those doesn't dust, the paid help does.
I am dumb, but I can not understand what I am viewing. My puter only shows the images for about a second then on to the next. I am lost, someoone fill me in please

Patrick Leeland
It is a tall chest of drawers with some of the drawers pulled out - all of the surfaces are covered with various sticks of moulding. Looks very stripey.

Ya have to watch thru the pix a few times for it to make sense - great design on the website - but do you want great design or do you want folks to actually be able to see your offerings? LOL!