Framers Programs


Jan 25, 2001
Three Lakes & Rhinelander, WI, USA
Has anyone used computer programs (ie "Custom Framer" or other software) for showing the customer the completed frame project on your monitor and how do you like them? Favorites? Like anyone, I'm always looking for an "edge" over my competition and these programs sound like a great sales tool although I'm a little hesitant as I'm afraid customers will spend forever trying to make a decision?

Overcut the Barbarian
Frame it or throw it away
We have Custom Framer and find that it is a very poorly written piece of software. The frames that are included are only Roma and have not been upgraded with new moulding for over a year and a half. It is great if you just want to show matting combos but we have had to go in and lighten or sharpen almost every single frame. When I asked him about it he said that he was busy with so many other projects so I doubt you will get much customer service. Price is right though (300.00) but doesn't mean much if you have to do your own editing.
I heard that lifesaver is great.
We have the "Virtual Gallery" DVD program, which is offered by Art Information, Inc. (now Wizard).

An optional adder to that program is called "Virtual Framer", and its purpose is to illustrate finished frame designs.

We gave it a good trial for three months and then sent it back. The selection of mouldings is (was) limited to suppliers who are not primary for us, and the mat colors were difficult to select. The process of frame design in the program was time consuming. And when it displayed, I feel that it didn't give a good representation of the "real thing".

The "Gee Whiz Factor" drew customers' attention and some of them liked to play with it for a while, but it didn't sell any frame designs for us. We still have to do that.

One of these days someone will come up with a wonderful program for framing design, but it isn't here yet. And when it arrives, I imagine we'll need a HUGE screen to make it effective.