Framers Friend for Sale


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Dec 31, 1969
Carlsbad, Calif
I have a "Framers Friend" for sale. Its in good condition. Would prefer to sell locally - - shipping would be too expensive. I'm located in North San Diego County. I also have an OLD Seal Heat press. I can e-mail photos, which is easier for me to do than posting them here ;)
Cookie, are you able to hold onto your framer's friend for a while after it's sold, or do you need to get it out of the way pretty quickly?
I could hold on to it a little while, but I did just put it on Ebay. You can check the auction if you like (don't know how to put a link here)
Are you planning a trip to Calif? :cool:
No, but I'll be in LV in June and could perhaps swing by as long as I was in that neck of the woods, relatively speaking!