WOW Framer
Whenever I have a customer with a problem needing the attention of a conservator I tell them to phone Buff State beacuse there is a school of conservation there and referrals can be made.
Why do I have no list of conservators working in my area? I don't know. I would think the FIRST thing a conservator would do when setting up shop in a new area would be to trot around to all of the area framers. Aren't we an automatic source of clientelle for conservators?
It seems to me, that with the laudable exceptions of Hugh and Rebecca, conservators are still holding framers at arm's length. This is a puzzlement to me. By now we should be on at least casual speaking terms if not outright "dating."
How is it in your area??? Did you have to become a detective to track down your conservator? Or did your conservator come to you with an introduction?
I would make much more use of them if I knew who they were and where to find them without conducting an intensive investigation.
All I hear from my customers, BTW, is that these conservators are "really busy."
Why do I have no list of conservators working in my area? I don't know. I would think the FIRST thing a conservator would do when setting up shop in a new area would be to trot around to all of the area framers. Aren't we an automatic source of clientelle for conservators?
It seems to me, that with the laudable exceptions of Hugh and Rebecca, conservators are still holding framers at arm's length. This is a puzzlement to me. By now we should be on at least casual speaking terms if not outright "dating."
How is it in your area??? Did you have to become a detective to track down your conservator? Or did your conservator come to you with an introduction?
I would make much more use of them if I knew who they were and where to find them without conducting an intensive investigation.
All I hear from my customers, BTW, is that these conservators are "really busy."