Frameready software


True Grumbler
Mar 2, 2002
Help!!! I am changing computers, I currently have frameReady 4.3 (old I know) when we transferred files everything comes up except the names on invoices and workorders. Any suggestion? Thanks for any help!!!
I plan on doing that on Monday if can't figure it out this weekend. But, I really would like to finish setting up this weekend. I guess this is the reason you should not try setting up new equipment after hours.
I don't use FrameReady, but in most situations & applications you'd proceed as follows:

On the old system / PC: Backup (use the system's backup function)

On the new PC, after installation is complete, use FrameReady Restore function to get the data from the other PC. That should do it.

You'd be doing the same thing essentially, if your PC crashed and you had to restore from your backups.
I'm using 5.6v4 so can't help specifically.
I did notice that there is a filepro file: contacts.
If your version on the old PC has that file, you might check to see if it is on the new system?
Good Luck
Hi JP.

I am on the newest version of FR an am to the biggest part very happy. Consider upgrading if it is in your budget. Saying that let me see if I can help.
It seems as if you didn't copy over the contact fm2 file. That is the one that contains all the names. Instead of trying to fix the problem I would just start again. Find your file that contains the entire Frameready program on the old computer. Usually on C:\programs\softtouch\frameready
Once you found it use the right click on your mouse and click copy. You will then have to copy it to a CD or Memory stick. Once you have copied the entire thing just insert it into the new computer and copy it back to the hard drive on the new computer. Best to put it in the same place. Remember you have to load FileMaker Pro onto the new system. Don't load Frameready it will only confuse things. Once that is done you can go into windows explorer and click on start up and create a short cut which will go on the desktop. This way you have an entire duplicate on your new system. If you have any other question just ask. I'll be around for a while.

Thanks for everyone's help! I did take your advice Todd and upgraded the software, (it't only money )

I talked to Bert at Frameready on Monday, He was great and very patient with a computer dummy. Thanks Bert! Today I received a call from Carol from FrameReady, making sure I had everything going!
In the trying times it is nice to know that some vendors are their for you.
Have Great Day!