Hi Rogatory,
You don't need to worry about getting any reprisals from us. We need to know what happens after a package goes out the door. If something isn't working right, we want to fix it as much as you want it fixed. I wish I could say that new releases never have bugs; but that isn't true. But, there are things we can do to help you right now.
1)Slower entry of moulding. This is due to the new auto-complete entry. It was a nice feature but it's speed is too slow so we are removing it. That simply means that people without barcode scanners will have to keep typing in the .LJ or .RM at the end of the number. It really isn't too bad a trade off; The speed is needed more. Beside, you can still use the "Search" button if you don't want to type in all of the numbers.
3) In the Work Order Options you can turn off the "Preview" feature as well as the "Show Print dialog box". That way when you click on the printer button, it just prints. If you need to print multiples of the document, then you will need to turn on the Print dialog box so that you can choose how many to print.
4) The Frame Size now says "See Above" because of the multiple frame issue and was a requested change. It worked great the old way to display the frame size if you only ever use one frame. However, if you stack the frames then the liner is Frame1. If you are stacking multiple frames and cut Frame3 to that size it is a costly mistake.
5) The vertical lines in the matboard area were removed to be able to better read the fillet numbers and descriptions. Also, "Reverse Bevel" and "Add Spacer" print in that area. (The Reverse Bevel box is located to the left of the matboard description on the Work Order screen.)
6) Capitalization. This is another requested feature. When you are busy and typing quickly the program will automatically Capitalize the first letter for you and correct it if you type in smith instead of Smith. However, it doesn't know that TTU is correct. You can over-ride the capitalization feature by holding down the Control key when you leave the field. (Use Ctrl + Enter or Ctrl and just click anywhere outside that field.) That being said, my preference is to put in my own capitals and live with my mistakes. If the concensus is to remove this feature, then we can do that. If it saves errors and the Control key fixes it, then it can stay. Let me know what you think.
Sorry to be long winded. I hope it helps a little. And don't worry about the Canadian hit men... they usually show up at your door, croak out "Sorry", tip their hat, and leave. Please don't try to sell anything to them as they will only try to add it to their expense account.
All the best,