FrameReady new upgrade quirks....!?!?


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Feb 26, 2005
Yamhill County Oregon
Has anyone else upgraded to the version 5.6 of FrameReady and had strange quirky things happen when your working in the program?

Bert at FrameReady is helping me work this out and has been great, but I was just curious if anyone else has been having similar problems? I have a feeling it's just a glitch in the cd I have.
I too have been having some quirky behavior out of the program.

Sometimes the quirkiness is not repeatable meaning, it may happen only once, click the button or run the report or whatever again and it works correctly.

I still think it is far and away a better program than the others on the market.
Originally posted by Jerry Ervin:
I too have been having some quirky behavior out of the program.

Sometimes the quirkiness is not repeatable meaning, it may happen only once, click the button or run the report or whatever again and it works correctly.

I still think it is far and away a better program than the others on the market.
My strange happenings are not repeatable also. For example, I hit the "find incomplete work orders" button and as usual there is my list of incompletes. I clicked on the incomplete button to change it to complete and a window popped up and told me to put in a reveal size for the third mat. :confused: :confused: :confused: I haven't used three mats in a design in a while.

Another thing is when doing a sales report, it was telling me there were no records that matched the day I inputed. After closing down the program and opening it back up again, then it ran the report just fine.

Another, it keeps reverting back to pausing on the preview for a work order instead of just printing it. I go back into my work order options and fix it (again) it works a few hours like that then it pauses again on the preview.

Like Jerry said, its not every time. I kept notes for a few days then called Bert. I think we are just going to reinstall the upgrade from a new disk he is sending me and then transfer all my customer data over.

I agree this is a wonderful program. My husband asked me of all the "things" we have added to the store last year (including the POS and the CMC) which is the one things I couldn't live without. Before he finished the sentence I said the POS system without a doubt. I love it.
I really want to post my thoughts, should I be afraid of reprisals?
I don't think they will send a hit-man if you posted the bugs that should be fixed!

And besides, if something happened to you, we'll know who did it...
Please post. I was told that my problems with the software was rare.

I'd like to know if I should really upgrade to 5.6 or stick with the 5.5 and wait for a better version of 5.6 to come out without bugs.

Funny, my wife and I were walking the dog before going to work this morning and I was complaining about my frustrations with the newest version of FR. I told her I was thinking about posting on the G but felt I should work things out with Bert first, that’s the way it’s done, right? But I don’t feel I was getting anywhere so here goes.

I was unwittingly one of the test people for this version (a long story). I called FR many times about the bugs, some were taken care of most were not. Note: in his defense I know Bert was and is having a real hard time with the newest version of FileMaker.

1)The program has slowed down A LOT. I use the bar code feature and when I scan a moulding it can take as long as 30 seconds to load. It may not sound like much time but if you are stacking moulding’s or changing from frame to frame to price out different choices it adds up. The earlier versions were instant.
2)Duplicating an old work order and updating to current prices gets very screwy and sometimes takes well over a minute.
3)It now takes an extra step to print a WO or an Invoice.
4)On the work order, below quantity, the frame size used to be bold, easy to see and now it just says “See Above”. It helped when cutting a frame to glance at it, now you have to squint to see the size by the moulding number. I once cut a frame to the image size due to this change and it wasn’t an inexpensive mistake. Yes I blamed myself for that one, but being the trained monkey I am, I just looked at the wrong line. Bold is good!
5)Now the vertical lines are gone under the matboard area and most of the time the price is not visible on the work order, for some reason it moves right out of the $ column.
6)Typing in new names acts kinda squirrelly. When I don’t want something capitalized it refuses to let me and vice versa. (Try typing in McDonald.) I use TTU + the department for Texas Tech University, but now it shows up as Ttu, it wont let me change it. That may sound picky but the Chancellor of the University commented on it.

There are a few more (not many) but those really ‘bug’ me.
Besides that, FR is a fantastic program with many new features and I hope to see Carol demonstrate them at the next trade show.

P.S. The casual observer will think that these things are really picky but they are important to me and I’m the one who counts in my shop.

I don't think you're being picky about those bugs, and they would bother me as he11 too.

Till they fix those bugs / "new features", can you go back to the older versions (and hopefully you won't lose all the new info you input after the "upgrade")??
Thank you for posting. Right now I am using the 5.5 version again. I am re-entering the work orders from the new version that I took in the 2 days it was running. I think I spent about 7 hours this week working on bugs and re-entering data.

Again, thanks for posting. I guess I'll just stick to the older version.

For anybody reading this post that doesn't have FrameReady..... I do love the software program (older version).
we too just upgraded and have noticed a significant slowdown when entering mouldings. I also don't like the changes to the work order screen.

PS we upgraded from 4.31
Hi Rogatory,

You don't need to worry about getting any reprisals from us. We need to know what happens after a package goes out the door. If something isn't working right, we want to fix it as much as you want it fixed. I wish I could say that new releases never have bugs; but that isn't true. But, there are things we can do to help you right now.

1)Slower entry of moulding. This is due to the new auto-complete entry. It was a nice feature but it's speed is too slow so we are removing it. That simply means that people without barcode scanners will have to keep typing in the .LJ or .RM at the end of the number. It really isn't too bad a trade off; The speed is needed more. Beside, you can still use the "Search" button if you don't want to type in all of the numbers.

3) In the Work Order Options you can turn off the "Preview" feature as well as the "Show Print dialog box". That way when you click on the printer button, it just prints. If you need to print multiples of the document, then you will need to turn on the Print dialog box so that you can choose how many to print.

4) The Frame Size now says "See Above" because of the multiple frame issue and was a requested change. It worked great the old way to display the frame size if you only ever use one frame. However, if you stack the frames then the liner is Frame1. If you are stacking multiple frames and cut Frame3 to that size it is a costly mistake.

5) The vertical lines in the matboard area were removed to be able to better read the fillet numbers and descriptions. Also, "Reverse Bevel" and "Add Spacer" print in that area. (The Reverse Bevel box is located to the left of the matboard description on the Work Order screen.)

6) Capitalization. This is another requested feature. When you are busy and typing quickly the program will automatically Capitalize the first letter for you and correct it if you type in smith instead of Smith. However, it doesn't know that TTU is correct. You can over-ride the capitalization feature by holding down the Control key when you leave the field. (Use Ctrl + Enter or Ctrl and just click anywhere outside that field.) That being said, my preference is to put in my own capitals and live with my mistakes. If the concensus is to remove this feature, then we can do that. If it saves errors and the Control key fixes it, then it can stay. Let me know what you think.

Sorry to be long winded. I hope it helps a little. And don't worry about the Canadian hit men... they usually show up at your door, croak out "Sorry", tip their hat, and leave. Please don't try to sell anything to them as they will only try to add it to their expense account. :D

All the best,
Hi LeighAnn,

Thanks for starting the thread. People often live with something that can be fixed but don't realize it or are too shy to ask. Thank you also for your kind words of support!
I know that Bert is working on the quirky behaviour and has some fixes. A new CD is on the way to you. (I do know that one of the fixes is the reveal message you were getting.) I wish I could say more, but Bert really is the expert in this area.

All the best,
Hi FrameMakers,

There are a lot of changes in the program between versions 4.3 and 5.6. It's been a while since I looked at 4.3 but I didn't think there were that many differences on the Work Order screen? Just a bit rearranged but still all there. I'll have to take a look at that screen again. What do you notice about it? Let me know.

P.S. Sorry to play catch-up here with these posts. But, you miss a day at the Grumble and you miss a lot! ;)
HI Carol,

First I realy HATE HATE HATE the "See Above" line.
when I am pulling mats I have often pulled the wrong size boards because of this change.

As to sizing for multi-frames, the dimensions are only based on the sizes the moulding companies give you. These dimensions are hardly ever acurate enough to trust to build a stacked frame.

Maybe a change to add a Mat Outside Size.

The slow speed of the moulding entry has us ready to change back to 4.3. It has to go NOW. Is there a fix that we can do or do we have to wait for the next version.

And as always, we need a way to price by the glass lite needed not the sq inches.
Also Carol,

LS has added PowerPay merchant services to there product. Is there anything like this on the way for us FrameReady fans.
First, Carol thanks for responding. I thought you'd be watching this thread.

I must agree the "See Above" for the size is terrible. We have made many mistakes because the size above is so small and the 1/2 or 5/8 is written like this (28 3/4x 19 1/2) The 28 in the first dimension seems to be all alone and we would make mistakes and cut the moulding to 28" instead of 28 3/4.

I end up handwritting the size on every workorder that is printed out. It is time consuming and even then I make mistakes writing it again.

A year ago we received the trial (demo) copy of FrameReady and the outside sizes were printed where the box showing the orientation of the artwork was (midway down on the left side) and we LOVED it.
It was a big reason we went ahead and bought FrameReady. But then we got the 5.5 version in and it was gone. We were very disappointed.

That is one feature I would LOVE to get back. We don't often do stacked moulding and when we do we always take the measurements on the moulding separately from what the workorder tells us... just to make sure.

Again, I love FrameReady. It has saved me countless hours and I couldn't do without it.

When some of these features get changed (like the auto-complete entry) is there going to be a new version or at least a cd with the newest versin of 5.6 available and when might that happen?

Thanks to all that have responded.
Originally posted by FrameMakers:

And as always, we need a way to price by the glass lite needed not the sq inches.

Do you want to price out each job by the size of the complete lite required to cut the needed size?? Is that what you are saying?

I set up a price chart in my FR in about 9 minutes that would price out every glass lite used by the bought size of the lite and not the UI. I only did it for PC glass but you could do it for every selection of glass that you use in your shop. It doesn't do it automatically but it only requires 2 additional clicks of your mouse.

(You DO have to make some minor changes on your program before using the pricing charts ie., using the new chart for pricing glass instead of the UI chart, for the first time but after that they are there for your use.)

FramerGuy, yea that would work buy we use 5 different types of glazing and that times the number of box sizes would leave a dropdown menu larger than the monitor is high.

The software has pulled the information since 3. something. It just needs to use this info as a root to the pricing tables.

Rumor has it that Bert is working on this.
I just went from FR 5.0v5 and have observed similar problems to those mentioned above.
In addition, if you try to print a WO without having entered an Artwork Description, the system goes to a blank screen in File Pro. I have to exit FR and restart to recover from it?

I also found that the UI Code tables were not saved in the upgrade as well as the PO records were lost. I had thought that this would be a more bug free product upgrade, but guess not.

I'm assuming the FR will provide a free update when some of these things are fixed. In the meantime I don't find any show stoppers and like the product. It's just painful to upgrade, similar to Microsoft's stuff.
BTW, the new 5.6v4 has some hooks in it to work with Integrated Framer and to add photos to the WOs. I have had a manual system of taking digital photos of designs etc. and attaching them manually to the WOs. I really like this new feature and am already using it. Thanks guys/gals.
Dave & Leigh Ann,
I'm sure that you aren't the only ones who would like the large, bold frame size back, so I will see what we can do. Maybe make it another print out option?

I took a quick look at the PowerPay website but there wasn't very much information for programming there. To be honest, we are focusing in other areas right now. But I wouldn't close the door before learning more about it.

That is the way to enter lite size pricing but some shops have such an extensive list of types and sizes that it would make your eyes glaze over trying to go through it. (pun intended)

You are right about another method and Bert is working on it. I did see a very rough proto-type a little while ago. But it isn't in any condition yet to say that we've got it in the works. (We're really cautious that way. We don't like to say that we are working on a feature until we have it half-done.)

What do you have selected for your Work Order options? I'd like to try to duplicate what you have happening. If the menu bar is displayed at the top of the screen, you can click on Scripts and select Main Menu.

I really like the digital image feature for Work Orders too. And, you can enter as many images for one order as you want: before, during and after. But I think where it really shines is identifying damage done to artwork prior to it entering your doors.

We will be letting everyone know when the fix is available for 5.6 and it will probably be posted for you to download from the website. I think Bert has added a few new things as well.
Thanks for your response.
On the WO problem. I just repeated the "crash" by creating a new WO and trying to "post to invoice" before entering a description.
I am now in a screen for FileMaker Pro that is blank. When I select the Scripts drop down, it just shows "Skriptmaker" & is greyed out so that it can't be selected ? :confused:
You've got me scratching my head.
I tried that and I got a message "Please enter a description of artwork before posting to invoice." Do you get a message?
Is the File menu available in the top left corner? It should also show the Main Menu as an option in the pull down list. If it is greyed out then you are probably in a script.
What are your Work Order Options set to in the Main Menu in the orange Work Order section?
Hi Carol,
Yes I get the "Please enter a description of artwork before posting to invoice." message.
When I click OK to go back and enter the description, that's when I get the blank screen.

Is the File menu available in the top left corner? I used the Scripts drop down. Sorry I misunderstood you suggestion. This morning is Thursday so naturally nothing fails

It should also show the Main Menu as an option in the pull down list.
I'll check this recovery the next time it happens. :confused:
If it is greyed out then you are probably in a script.
What are your Work Order Options set to in the Main Menu in the orange Work Order section?
Print Vertical Lines; Pause No; Show Print Dialog No; Print Art ID Tag No; Transfer "order taken by" X; Check Paper Size No; Post fitting charges X
Hope some of this helps.
BTW, as others have mentioned I have been seeing "funny" behavior that I can't repeat

This morning I had a blank WO come up when I had selected "find incomplete WOs" from the Main Menu. I couldn't delete or get the incomplete WO list to display until I hit the display WO button and then requested a find incomplete. After that I can now go to the main menu and request "find incomplete WOs" and it works OK

It's time for

When I did my vendor updates I had a new situation arise. We did not have any Metal Moulding length pricing entered. We have no need for length pricing from the vendor so there was nothing in there previously. The software forced me to enter length pricing for 432 categories. I tried to escape or cancel this step but found that I couldn't. I got so frustrated that I shut down the software and restarted it. Upon reopening the software it once again forced me to enter the 432 categories of lenght pricing. Now every time I open the software it forces me to enter pricing for 2 items before starting the program.

Please make it stop!!!!

P.S. I really love the Frame Ready but there are always things to work out in new versions.
Hi Carol-
I upgraded from Version 2.2 in September. I spoke to you about some of the quirks I have experienced with our new upgrade when I saw you at the WCAF show in Las Vegas. I wanted to add my most un-favorite thing to the list--the price of the frames does not show up on the printed work order-and it's driving me nuts! It's as if it's been been pushed outside the margin or something. It's a problem if I have a customer waiting for their estimate. I have to double check the price and hand-write it in. I know you folks are working on these as fast as you can; I can appreciate what you are up against.

Thanks for your quick replies to these questions. They are much appreciated as well. Frameready is still the best!
I somethimes think the software behaves like a child who is well-mannered when I'm watching but plays a trick on me as soon as I turn around. Keep me informed.

It sounds like you are missing a line in your markup table. I'll give you a call and we can fix that up pretty quickly.

We noticed that too and Bert has fixed it in the next upgrade which is being emailed out to small groups of people each day.
For estimates, there are two documents for you to give to customers who are price shopping and want a written quote. Click on the "Print Documents" button on the left side of the Work Order screen and select either "Estimate" or "Proposal". Both of these protect your design and print your logo or business information at the top of the page.
The printed Work Order is designed as an in-house document (basically, a blue-print to put the frame together). It doesn't have your business information on it, nor does it include taxes or a disclaimer like the Estimate does.
Carol, Bert and anyone else who worked on fixing the glitches on the 5.6v3, THANK YOU! It works GREAT!

I like the newest features as well.

The upgrade from 5.6v3 to v4 took about three minutes. (after download and reading the intructions)

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

I'm very optimistic about the newest version.

Thanks for posting. Did you just get it installed? Will you post again after using it a few days?

Thank you!
We also found that entering moulding takes a long time to register on the work order. Bert suggested clicking on the gray box to the right and entering it there. It is much much faster.
Carol or Bert,
I can now repeat the problem of getting a blank screen from the WO screen when an Art Description has not been entered!

1. Create a new WO without entering anything in the Art Description Field.
2. Select "Print this customers orders..."
3. You get a message box: "Please Enter Description of Artwork!"
4. Select "OK"
5. you now have the blank screen I've mentioned previously.

6. Now Select the "Window" drop down menu.
7. Select "main menu".
8. You are now back to the Main Menu and recovered without exiting FrameReady.

As Bert knows, I am running the latest version of FrameReady 5.6v4

Hope this helps?
Thank you! That's excellent! Now that I can duplicate it, we can pinpoint the problem and fix it. You will be hearing from me soon. I have a solution for you.
I read your byline...
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." Benjamin Franklin
Does this mean that you are offering to bring some beer? Wow! I knew you were a nice person!
Leigh Ann,
There are a number of people with the newest version, FrameReady 5.6v5. I too am hoping to hear their feedback. A number of things have been Added, Modified or Removed. The full list of changes is on the FrameReady website in the Members Only section under FrameReady History.
I've been on the latest upgrade since the 10th
It seems to have fixed the problems that I was having. No more strange behavior, which I attribute to the filepro underneath the application. Now, with FileMaker Pro 8.0v3, things seem quite stable and fast. Thanks Carole & Bert & whoever else worked on this. I really appreciated the fast response you guys provide & the walk thrus on any problems.