Originally posted by BILL WARD:
...They are sold a product, admittedly known to be flawed, and will not/can not fix it...I am absolutely astounded that these people are treating ANYONE this way let alone their loyal customers ...
That seems harsh, Mr. Ward. If what you said were true, I would not have used the program for all these years and I doubt others would, either.
Your allegations of irresponsibility are completely opposite my personal experience. Before publicly passing judgment on this (or any) company, perhaps it would be wise to gather more than one opinion.
In my experience, FrameReady is a very good program, much better than the POS software it replaced in my shop several years ago. FrameReady has the operating features I want, produces the reports I need, and the updating process is convenient, accurate, and dependable.
In stark contrast to your comments, I know the people at FrameReady to be unquestionably responsive, knowledgeable, and the most helpful software tech-support people I have ever encountered for any kind of software I have used. On the few occasions when I have called with questions, they have given prompt and complete answers every time.
I don't know about Mr. T's problem -- and neither do you -- but I can assure you that the FrameReady program used in three of my computers works flawlessly every day.
There are several very good POS software programs available to picture framers these days. My sincere hope is that a framer who is evaluating them and planning to buy one will disregard comments such as yours, and judge each program on its merits for his/her intended purpose.