Frameready 5.05 Problems

Mr. T

True Grumbler
Sep 11, 2005
Has anyone had problems with the Frameready program 5.05. Anytime that you post a workorder to an invoice, it goes directly to one account. Have called Frameready, and they told me that I would have to upgrade to get this fixed. Anyone else have a fix for this? Thanks
Originally posted by Mr. T:
...they told me that I would have to upgrade to get this fixed. Anyone else have a fix for this? Thanks
I've used Frameready 5.0v4 since it came out, and have had no problems whatsoever. If your problem were a software problem, I'm sure Bert could fix it. If it's a hardware problem, then upgrading may be your only choice.

As soon as I can replace the oldest of my three FrameReady-equipped computers (it's Win98 and too weak to upgrade) to a new one with WinXP, I will buy the new version.
The problem is not that we cannot upgrade it. The problem is the Bert said he cannot fix it. The version we have works perfectly well for what we need. I purchased the last upgrade and a new version was out within weeks of me buying the last upgrade. I have had this fixed by them before but now say the only way to fix is to purchase an upgrade. And yes, it is definately a software problem. Frameready blames it on Filemaker pro 6.
Let's see now, is it ONLY the upgrade that crapped out or is it ALSO the 'new' version??? assuming it is ONLY the upgrade- - - They are sold a product, admittedly known to be flawed, and will not/can not fix it or , I suppose, compensate you for the anty-up for said defecetive upgrade product, yes? Doesn't matter which part of their package is at fault(they claim its the database part?), the fact remains they knew it was a defective product when they sold it to you!!!!!!!!! plus they didn't feel it necessary to inform you of an eminant release of a NEW upgrade and let YOU decide which way to go when you purchased this dud upgrade(this was the one that isnt working, yes??? in "I purchased the last upgrade and a new version was out within weeks of me buying the last upgrade"). let the buyer beware & all that aside, I really wonder what a good product liability/bizlaw firm would do with this.
I am absolutely astounded that these people are treating ANYONE this way let alone their loyal customers .....just how many of YOUR customers do you think would continue to return if their framing fell apart/came unattached, etc and your respons was...'bring in something else & try again next time, it might get better'??????? This is no different than getting a box of glass that has scratches, etc on the panes & the vendor says "tough nuggies---buy some more, MAYBE you'll get good glass next time?".

comeon guys!!!!you have a bum program(s) the RIGHT thing, now, with you customer(s)--cut 'em a new CD(hopefully this one would be a 'fixed' version)!!!! make good on this problem and you just might convince the buying populace that they want to have/continue to have a working relationship with you as their POS vendor...

no, I dont have an ax to grind, with this or any other POS vendor...I dont even use one...I'm only upset by the way this(& possibly others) customer has been 'done' isn't 'right', ii isn't fair, and it should have been corrected before it was allowed to develope, IMHO
Thanks, Bill. I think that is what gets me. They fixed this for me before and now tell me I need to upgrade to fix the problem. It is not the $$$ to upgrade as it is not fixing it. If they were not supporting this version of the program, you think they would have informed us. I don't think it is a "DUD" program, it works very well for us in the current version. I guess I am trying to get a feel if anyone else has had problems. I hate to invest anymore into this program if that is the way it is.
Originally posted by BILL WARD:
...They are sold a product, admittedly known to be flawed, and will not/can not fix it...I am absolutely astounded that these people are treating ANYONE this way let alone their loyal customers ...
That seems harsh, Mr. Ward. If what you said were true, I would not have used the program for all these years and I doubt others would, either.

Your allegations of irresponsibility are completely opposite my personal experience. Before publicly passing judgment on this (or any) company, perhaps it would be wise to gather more than one opinion.

In my experience, FrameReady is a very good program, much better than the POS software it replaced in my shop several years ago. FrameReady has the operating features I want, produces the reports I need, and the updating process is convenient, accurate, and dependable.

In stark contrast to your comments, I know the people at FrameReady to be unquestionably responsive, knowledgeable, and the most helpful software tech-support people I have ever encountered for any kind of software I have used. On the few occasions when I have called with questions, they have given prompt and complete answers every time.

I don't know about Mr. T's problem -- and neither do you -- but I can assure you that the FrameReady program used in three of my computers works flawlessly every day.

There are several very good POS software programs available to picture framers these days. My sincere hope is that a framer who is evaluating them and planning to buy one will disregard comments such as yours, and judge each program on its merits for his/her intended purpose.
Bert- and the entire staff of FrameReady have been more than helpful over the several years that I have used the system.


Are you also expecting the likes of Microsoft or Quickbooks to support older versions of their products forever?

I don't expect people to support the program forever but it has only been a year. My orginal question is if anyone had a way to fix this problem! I repeat as before, it does a great job for us but it is a database with a problem and was fixed once before.

[ 08-11-2006, 12:44 PM: Message edited by: Mr. T ]
Originally posted by Mr. T:
...My orginal question is if anyone had a way to fix this problem!
That would be a really good question, if anyone else has the same problem. Do you know of anyone else who has the problem?

I'm no computer wizard, but it seems that if you've had a unique problem recur with two different versions of the software, then perhaps the problem is somehow related to your computer.

Are you running the current version of FileMaker Pro? Could your installation of FileMaker Pro be corrupted? It seems silly to ask such an obvious question, but have you uninstalled and reinstalled FileMaker and FrameReady?

To my knowledge, FrameReady is still supporting the version I use, which is older than yours. Have they actually told you they no longer support your version?
"Anytime that you post a workorder to an invoice, it goes directly to one account."

Can you elaborate more on the problem?

What do you mean by "account"?

I am using 5.6v4 and upgraded from 4.3v2 so I never saw your version.
for Filemaker:

for FrameReady

both are on the top line of the window scripts it to the left of help - it used to be called something else in the older version (possibly TOOLS)
Sorry but I am not trying to make a big case out of this but was wondering if someone out there could help me. If I post a workorder to an invoice it goes to one person's account ( If that is true, that person owes $159,000. I wish. If I was to post another person's workorder it would again go to the same persons account.

As quoted by J. Miller "To my knowledge, FrameReady is still supporting the version I use, which is older than yours. Have they actually told you they no longer support your version? "

No they have not told me they do not support it but told me that only one person has had this problem and that to fix it I need to upgrade. I have had this problem before and they fixed it? What gives?
Also quoted from J. Miller "I'm no computer wizard, but it seems that if you've had a unique problem recur with two different versions of the software, then perhaps the problem is somehow related to your computer."

Same computer, same version of Filemaker and same version of Frameready.
Here we go again, passing judgement on a product with only one side of the story known! I stayed out of this for a good reason, I was waiting for Carol or Bert or one of the staff to chime in with their side and make more sense of this matter. Y'all are so quick to jump the gun and tell the world how awful it is that a poor innocent consumer has been wronged by an evil corporate demon who is there to take your money and not care about you after the fact. That is so NOT true with the SoftTouch Solutions people and with the FrameReady program!!

I have used that program since FrameReady 2.0 and have had nothing but good response from Bert and the crew at SoftTouch Solutions with any of my problems during the learning process and beyond as I experimented with the product. Until I closed my business last year, I was a Beta tester for the new versions and I can attest to the fact that there is an ongoing R&D development plan in place to identify and fix any and all bugs in their upcoming versions and Bert and his Beta testers are in contact with questions, suggestions, and little quirks that pop up in the Beta versions. Y'all may think that one person simply writes up the script for a new program and Presto!!, it magically becomes the new enhanced upgrade of whatever program you are using. It doesn't happen that way at all. No matter who writes a computer program, there will be bugs to iron out, glitches to solve, and new enhancements to write language for along with covering EVERY conceivable kind of problem, usage, and typo that a user could dream of making. A programmer has to spend countless hours trying and improving on all the stupid things that a user is bound to expose that program to and there is a compilation of knowledge and experience of all the Beta testers along with the programmer to get a program to its final stage in the new version.

I suspect that there is much more to this tale that we know at this point in time or someone would have responded from FrameReady by now. Carol monitors this forum regularly and she is no dummy when it comes to solving minor problems with their program. Maybe Mr. T is holding back a bit of vital information that would change the entire outlook of this tale of woe to something that is more likely to have happened, that is always a possibility in any one sided scenario?? It is my understanding that FrameReady has already fixed the glitch in this program once. Apparently it worked correctly after that fix. My question is how or what is happening to make a program go bad repeatedly? If it is indeed the Filemaker Pro program, that is out of FrameReady's hands. They didn't write the foundation program. Maybe it is time to upgrade and let it go at that. If there is only one reported case of problems of this nature, maybe it is your hardware or some incompatibility of software on your specific computer. In my opinion there is a limit to which you can hold a programmer accountable when there are other extenuating circumstances that could conceivably cause a problem to occur.

I am not accusing anyone of anything other than to warn those of you who think they know more about a program or its handling of dis-satisfied customers to stop and think before you respond in a manner that would disparage the company or hurt the sale of a program. And that goes double when you haven't even heard the other side of the story!

I am just one user with one opinion and feel that, if anyone can smear the name of a perfectly good company based on only one side of a story while never having used their program or any other POS program by comparison, I can follow up with my defense of that company.

Sorry, people! I must stress again that Frameready works very well for us!!!! I was asking a question to see if anyone else out there had this problem! Is that not what a forum like this is for?

And no framerguy, I am not holding back information. Yes it worked fine after the fix, unfortunately they had me jumping all over the place that I can't remember what thsy had me do to fix it agian myself!
Originally posted by Mr. T:
...Same computer, same version of Filemaker and same version of Frameready.
Now I'm confused again. I thought you meant the same problem got fixed in a previous version, and now you have the same problem again, after you "purchased the last upgrade".

If you still have the same computer and the same versions of FileMaker and FrameReady, then what made the problem come back? Wouldn't that mean it wasn't really fixed the first time?
OK, back to Square One.

Originally posted by Mr. T:
Anytime that you post a workorder to an invoice, it goes directly to one account.
Let's say you create a Work Order for Customer ABC. When you click on the "Post to Invoice" button in the left margin of the screen, a different customer name comes up, and it is the same one every time. Is that right?

You do have a customer name selected in the Work Order screen, right? And when you want to create the invoice, you're not just clicking on the "Invoice" icon on the top-row menu, are you?

What happens if you delete that customer account? It would be easy to create a new account for that particular customer.

You say the program works well for you -- I guess you mean other than that problem. How do you get around the problem when you create an invoice?

You said FrameReady told you the problem comes from FileMaker Pro. We all run FrameReady on FileMaker Pro, so why don't we all have the problem?
Sorry I can't help you with this specific problem. But after spending 25 years in a previous life working on software, I know that Bert & Carol & all the others provide great support and go the extra mile at all times.
I personally believe in staying up to date with software. When FrameReady was placed on top of File Pro 8.x I knew it was time to upgrade. I upgraded last year. I am very happy with their product and wish them many more years of success.
Hi Folks,
I thought I would give you an update. Mr. T is back up and everything is running smoothly. It turmed out that he had a damaged work order file which he recovered just fine, as per the instructions in the User Guide. However, a lot of the newer computers have the extensions turned off. When the file was recovered, it was given a different extension (.fp5 instead of .FR2). Of course, with the extensions turned off, no one could see the change in the file. After we turned on the extensions, we made the necessary change and recovered another file that needed some help. I checked with Mr. T the other day and he said that everything seemed to be okay now.

As for the older versions of FrameReady, we still provide whatever service we can for them. We even have people using version 2.3 who are very happy with it.
Thank you everyone for your kindness and support of FrameReady and POS software programs. It is no wonder that I like working with all of you so much!
I would really like to thank Carol for her help in solving this problem. I am sorry that things go carried away on this thread by asking a question.

I am sorry if anyone out there felt that I was "Bashing" the Frameready program or that it was a "Dud". I have send that it is a good program and it is!

Anyway, it is fixed with Carol's help. She really is a good as everyone says.