Frameready 4.3 Software for Sale


Grumbler in Training
Sep 16, 2004
Washington State
Hello -
I have Frameready 4.3 Computer Software for Sale. I used it for about 1 year in my shop before I closed it. This is a wonderful user friendly program that I highly recommend. I purchased it for $1100 and am selling it for $450. Serious inquiries email me at

Did you check with Bert on transferring the maintenance program with the POS package??

That is a WHALE of a deal coming from a FrameReady user from back in the 1.2 version!!

Any of you looking for a really good POS program for a steal of a price had better jump on this one!!


P.S. Molly, make that commission check out to "Cash" for me please!! :cool:
I would read the license agreement real well before selling this product. In reality, if its like other software, its not actually YOURS to SELL. I have NO idea about the licensing arrangement that Frameready has their customers sign or agree to but if its like ours, you have only been granted a LICENSE to USE the software. Resale is not included in that and is more than likely strictly prohibited.

Just a heads up here, its worth a read to stay out of the attorneys offices. Read the license agreement that you signed, or pressed "I AGREE" to during the installation process, it will let you know what your rights are with that software, and what you can/cant do with that software.

If nothing else, if you've NOT already done so, I would call Frameready to see what their take is on the sale of their product. If they say its OK, then disregard this post entirely.
Hi Troy,

Welcome to the Grumble! We can always use another head for computer programming around here.

You're right up there in my old neck o' the woods, eh? I owned the gallery on Main St. in Salem just East of the Interstate. (next block past Long John Silver's grease pit!)

I had to make the ultimate sacrifice and move down here on the Emerald coast so guys like you could stay put and enjoy those beautiful So. IL summers! :cool: (You can thank me later.)

Enjoy the Grumble and I hope to see some input on all these computer problems that crop up with us framers.

Hey Framerguy,

I've been following the forum for years, just dont post that much, obviously. Dont know that much when it comes to actually picture framing but this was a topic, software licensing, that I'm intimately familiar with, its my JOB, so I thought I'd chime in.

I've watched your posts and knew that you were from Salem. We're right downtown Mt. Vernon, just caddycorner to the square and the courthouse.

I appreciate the sacrifice you made to allow others to enjoy the S. IL summers. Though, this summer has been VERY mild. I know we'll pay for it sometime this winter.

Enjoy the weather FL weather and be safe from the storms. FL sure has had their fair share of them this year.

For those who may be looking at this program that Molly has offered, I talked with the developer of FrameReady and he has no problem with transferring the license to another owner. These people are very nice to deal with and will do whatever is needed to get you up and running should you decide to buy Molly's program.

Just a heads up to let you know that it's an OK deal.


Edit: Bert did say that any upgrades to the program's current version or maintenance program that the new owner chooses to participate in will cost the usual rates through Soft Touch Solutions.
If memory is serving me correct the general rule with the transfer of a software licence is that this is ok if it is a takeover or a buyout…..I’m not sure what the position is regarding the sale of software licences….though with Microsoft the OEM licence transfers with the computer if you sell it…..and I’m almost positive that Microsoft allows you to sell on the licences for other products/software PROVIDING the software has being deleted from the first host computer……’s a complex area of business and a phone call to Frameready would be in order…..I would be very surprised if they will not allow for the transfer of the user licence….

Fast on the draw Tom.....regards and I hope you are keeping well...
Quick as ever, my friend, and I am quite well, thank you.

I'm glad to see that Frameready has been contacted and that they have given their approval for the license transfer. I talked with them at the Atlanta show briefly, good folks.

I think the issue that caught my eye first was the original poster saying that they would SELL the software for $X. Selling something implies that there is OWNERSHIP of the product being sold and that they have the RIGHT to sell it. In software, the ownership of the software typically resides with the software publisher, in this case Frameready. In this case, they own a LICENSE to use the software, again, assuming thats what the agreement says, which I have never seen.

NOW the concept of license transfer has been brought up and thats a completely different story though essentially the same end result. The rights of use of that original software are being TRANSFERRED from one user to another. With Frameready agreeing to this, thats great. But, as was mentioned above, the original installation on the "sellers" system should be destroyed so the only valid copy of the software will reside on the "buyers" machine.

All is well and it looks like Frameready may be able to get a good customer using that license again. Win Win situation, cant ask for better than that.

I couldn't get to my computer today, sorry for the delay in getting back to you and your questions. I am definately green at all of this and now realize that I should have worded my offer differently to reflect a transfer rather than a sale of the software.
To be certain that I am doing this by the book I will contact Frameready tomorrow just to double check. Again, you can email me directly with questions at
Just wanted to give an update...
I spoke with Evelyn at Frameready and she said that I could indeed sell the program. However, in order to use the program the buyer would have to upgrade to the current version (Frameready 5) which costs $149. Also, if they want to activate the subscription (for 1 yr vendor pricing & tech support) it would cost an additional $175. I have the program priced at $450, so with everything added (current version & subscription) it would run $774 - still a great deal for a great program.
If you are interested in the specifics of the program or have questions regarding sale/transfer of program go to They are great people and incredibly helpful.
Thanks to everyone for their imput on this,
Great program, incredible people to deal with every time. I have used it for 2 years and I wish I had bought it earlier.