Framer Solutions is GONE!


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Sep 19, 2001
N.Franklin,CT USA
Received letter today from Fletcher saying they are no longer going to offer custom mat cutting through website.
I have use them, but I suppose it won't be long that I must buy a CMC. :eek:

[ 03-29-2003, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: lyoncat ]
I have been using them until I get my cmc, and I just ordered a mat the other day. I haven't received anything yet. Good thing my cmc comes at the end of may :D
I received that letter yesterday as well, bummer.
I've only needed to use them 3 or 4 times, but it was nice knowing that service was there when needed, especially since Fletcher is only a 20 minute drive for me, I could pick up the mats if necessary. I guess there wasn't much call for this service?? :(

Could this be an opportunity for someone with a reliable CMC and a little time?

That wouldn't be me, BTW. I'm using the Mat Maestro.
There were some posts on hitchhikers stating that Fletcher is not making the F-6100 cmc anymore. Was I reading that correctly? Is that why there is no longer the framersolutions service? Wassup??
