PFG, Picture Framing God
I posted this as a reply to Ron's thread on deleting some of the Warped posts to free up some space on the forum. I think that this is important enough to post on the Grumble for all to consider.
I received this fatal error message about 10 minutes ago while using the "Search" function and I am alarmed that this forum is THAT max'ed out so as to generate this type of error.
Could not perform buffered print to 'NonCGIPath/cache-(cache_pw)/ubb_files/misc/member_otmoment.cgi'.
The server has told me that the disk space quota has been exceeded - I was prevented from writing to the file.
Please ask the administrator to obtain more disk space.
The exact error returned by the operating system is:
Disk quota exceeded
We need to come up with some way to either delete some of the past threads that exist on all of the forums or archive the important ones on a satellite site so people still have access to them. There is so much important information on some of these forums that should be left for our reference and I would really hate to see Framer have to dump some of the educational stuff for lack of server space.
Let's put our cyber-heads together and come up with some solutions or suggestions to help Bill out of this delemma.
I received this fatal error message about 10 minutes ago while using the "Search" function and I am alarmed that this forum is THAT max'ed out so as to generate this type of error.
Could not perform buffered print to 'NonCGIPath/cache-(cache_pw)/ubb_files/misc/member_otmoment.cgi'.
The server has told me that the disk space quota has been exceeded - I was prevented from writing to the file.
Please ask the administrator to obtain more disk space.
The exact error returned by the operating system is:
Disk quota exceeded
We need to come up with some way to either delete some of the past threads that exist on all of the forums or archive the important ones on a satellite site so people still have access to them. There is so much important information on some of these forums that should be left for our reference and I would really hate to see Framer have to dump some of the educational stuff for lack of server space.
Let's put our cyber-heads together and come up with some solutions or suggestions to help Bill out of this delemma.