Framer needs some help!!!


PFG, Picture Framing God
Apr 12, 2001
Destin, Florida
I posted this as a reply to Ron's thread on deleting some of the Warped posts to free up some space on the forum. I think that this is important enough to post on the Grumble for all to consider.

I received this fatal error message about 10 minutes ago while using the "Search" function and I am alarmed that this forum is THAT max'ed out so as to generate this type of error.

Could not perform buffered print to 'NonCGIPath/cache-(cache_pw)/ubb_files/misc/member_otmoment.cgi'.

The server has told me that the disk space quota has been exceeded - I was prevented from writing to the file.

Please ask the administrator to obtain more disk space.

The exact error returned by the operating system is:
Disk quota exceeded

We need to come up with some way to either delete some of the past threads that exist on all of the forums or archive the important ones on a satellite site so people still have access to them. There is so much important information on some of these forums that should be left for our reference and I would really hate to see Framer have to dump some of the educational stuff for lack of server space.

Let's put our cyber-heads together and come up with some solutions or suggestions to help Bill out of this delemma.

For starters, as Dermot mentioned over on warped, perhaps deleting All of the old stuff and beginning new would be the way to go. Granted, there is alot of funny, off-the-wall reading there, but nothing that really NEEDS refering to. If it means saving "the grumble" part of this board, then so be it. There is obviously a ton of educational threads that need to be saved on the grumble.

And as for the grumble, maybe some of the off-topic frankenthreads could be deleted as well, those that do not offer anything to further the original topic of a particular thread.

Maybe that is a start?

Add an Archive Forum that only Moderators can add to. Break the Forum into important directories.

Common questions such as:

Equipment questions

Mat cutting questions

Miter problems

Glass questions


Mounting question

Common business questions.


This forum can constantly be reviewed and edited for the most relevant and up to date posts.

Archive some of the design forum for photos.

Dump everything else after a predetermined period.

A business resource forum with links to conservators, vendors, etc., would be helpful as well.

[ 02-14-2004, 05:41 PM: Message edited by: lessafinger ]
I am encountering similar error codes in a variety of situations here. The code may appear and then, a few minutes later, not appear despite performing the same function. So perhaps it's related to traffic.
It's past Bill's 'birthday'...
Is there, after all, anyone out there that can't spare 20 bucks, and send it to him via Paypal, US Mail, carrier pigeon???

It seems that if storage is the problem, disk or server, then some money would buy additional space. This BBS is for US to use, Bill administers it, and does a damned fine job.

If 500 G'ers sent only 20 bucks, that'd be $10,000. Hopefully, if it didn't FIX the problem, it'd put a darned good band-aid on it.

Feel free to tell me to shut up anytime, but we use it, whether the 'straight' G, or warped. Sorta like reading a magazine. Whether you enjoy MAD magazine or Decor or Victoria, ya still gotta pay.

[ 02-14-2004, 08:06 PM: Message edited by: CharlesL ]

[ 02-14-2004, 08:04 PM: Message edited by: CharlesL ]
I say let framer and the moderators delete whatever they want to or need to or wipe the slate clean and start over. Some of what was posted here first is out dated anyway.

As it is, if we older grumblers have posted about a topic a number of times, it seems like it should just be referred to rather than going over it again. That's still useful information, but it's not much fun for any of us. We're doing this partly for fun aren't we?
I'm a bit upset with my server folks. I'm posting a new thread. Please read it.