Frame Sample Simulator


Grumbler in Training
Oct 10, 2003
Miami, FL
Dear Picture Framer,

As long time picture framers ourselves we designed a useful tool we think can help you and your customers. Some benefits below.
1. A useful marketing tool which is branded for you
2. Helps save your precious time showing frame samples ( Time is Money)
3. Impress your customer by knowing that you are on the cutting edge
4. Let them design the look they are looking for at their convenience

Our Picture Framers Simulator is a custom designed application for you that can be used by you and your customers.
By simply running the application on the CD and inserting a floppy disk with an image file of the artwork you are ready to go!
With the PFS users can drag and drop your frame, mat, and insert samples around their own artwork which can be scaled by a click and a drag from the PC mouse.
The user can mix and match frame samples with mat samples and even see it against four common wall colors as a reference of contrast with their simulated framed artwork.
The user can also print the simulated framed sample artwork as a reference when they come to see you.
Enclosed is a demo application which will give you a better idea of how our PFS can be a part of you overall marketing scheme.

Pricing details for the Master CD:
$69.00 for licensing (Branded with your Frame Shop info.)
$1.00 per frame, mat or insert (Your samples)
Please don’t hesitate to reach us with any questions you may have at (786) 552.5071
Or send your email to:
Dear framesimulator,

I am curious about your new product. I have some questions about the setup and use of the product also.

1. How do you guarantee that the reproduction of the mat colors and frame finishes will be true to the actual colors on a customer's computer, or for that matter, my shop computer?

2. I carry no less than 900 frame samples at any given time. Many of these are replaced with new profiles and some of them are eventually discontinued. In addition, I carry a full line of Crescent rag mats, Moorman suedes, Moorman linens, and LJ Artique mats. Added to that I have about 60 different bevelled accents with assorted decorative papers on their bevel. At a buck a sample, how is this going to give me a return on my investment and what is your policy for adding new items as they are released by the suppliers?

3. How do my customers use this in their home? Are there a certain number of duplicate copies included with this product or am I to burn copies of the master CD or just loan out my one and only copy when a customer wants to play with it at home?

4. Traditional methods of showing frame, fillet, and mat samples seem to work for all of my customers now. How would your product provide a new and useable service to customers who are buying framing now based on what they see with the samples that I show to them?

5. Will your product interact with any of the POS programs on the market today? For example, can I put together a virtual framing framing package for my customer on my shop computer and then transfer the information over to my FrameReady POS program? (That is without manually transferring all the part #'s as I have to do now with conventional samples.)

The first question is vitally important to completing an accurate frame estimate for obvious reasons. Without a reasonable answer to that first question, the rest of the questions become moot points. Second question would cost me about twice the price of my POS program without ever figuring in any cost for updates for discontinued or new samples that would be added periodically. Third question would be an easy one unless the framer didn't own a CD burner and had to pay somebody else to burn extra copies for him/her. Fourth question is in your ballpark completely as is the last question.


Edit: Oh, and one additional question, where does the computer file for the customer's art work come from? Does the framer also have to own a digital camera, take a photo of the customer's piece, download it into his computer, save it as a Jpeg file, load it onto a floppy disc, and give it to the customer?

Just curious.

[ 10-10-2003, 10:57 PM: Message edited by: Framerguy ]
So, any more info about FrameSimulator? My curiosity was piqued enough to do some googling but I couldn't turn up squat. Which leads me to believe that this is some shop that developed their own software in-house and are "testing the water" (unless I'm wrong and they just don't have a budget for marketing).

I'd love to see some screen shots...

I emailed them a few days ago and asked them to visit the Grumble and try to answer some of my questions. No reply from them and no visit here, so far.

I wonder what this is all about?

I'm thinking now that "Frame Sample Simulator" is actually "Framer's Guide" though I certainly could be mistaken. I'd be very surprised if two different companies sporting brand new visualization software packages for picture framers decided to unveil within a week of each other.

Framerguy, maybe if you ask again in the new thread... I'd hate to lose your questions as they are very pertinent issues.