Frame Ready


Grumbler in Training
Jun 30, 2006
Rochester, MN
Anyone useing Frame Ready?

We are having serious problems with Life Saver while accepting credit Cards
Welcome to the Grumble, JEB!!

I'll second that endorsement!! I have been using FrameReady since version 2.0 and wouldn't trade it for all the other POS programs on the market.

It'll do everything but scratch your back when it itches and I think that Bert has just about ironed out that little wrinkle for the next version!!

Hi John

First of all, welcome to the Grumble!

FrameReady and LifeSaver are both top of the line products, and each have fantastic people representing the products. Specialtysoft is another product that I recommend.

What kind of credit card issue are you experiencing, if you don't mind me asking?

We have been using the built in credit card processing system since the start of the year, and it has been painless and reliable.

The program will work with the built in processing, or with a traditional (standalone) terminal. With built in, you swipe the card at the PC - and it automatically knows the card type, #, Expiration, etc. With the manual method you click PAYMENT and tell it the type of card and amount (after the terminal gives you an approval code)

At the end of the day it gives you balance and settlement reports, so you can double check to make sure no human (or computer) errors were made.

I know how frustrating it can be to switch from one way of doing things to another, and you're among friends. A lot of folks on the Grumble are using the LifeSaver product in conjunction with the PowerPay bank integration module. Feel free to ask questions, if you have any. (Either by email, on the Grumble, or through the LiveChat feature. Many of us are on chat during business hours)

Best regards,
I too, have been looking at all (well the top 3-4) POS systems lately. I am currently using EZ Framer (the middle version), but thought that maybe one of the others would be better. (Especially since most everybody uses one of the others.)

I've got demos of Specialty Soft and FrameReady since those two are most often touted here on the Grumble.

My number one concern was the workorder. How easy is it to follow, etc. I just figured that since most of you all do many shadowboxes, multi-openings, French panels, and other decorative framing and matting, that all the other POS (besides mine) would offer an easy way to do that.

Now, unless I just can't find it on the demo, they ALL have to have additional notes for these things. Perhaps that's where the CMC integration works, but for the POS alone, a design cannot be shown on the workorder. Am I right? (Except with FulCalc which has a separate design screen.)

If that's the case, and since I'm happy with my cc system, then EZ Framer is best for me because the workorder is very easy for anyone to follow, (in other words, they don't have to be able to read my mind!) It has a diagram, easy mat layout and a place for the notes.

It all depends on what your needs are.
I have been using FrameReady for several years and love it. Part of my decision to purchase their product over some of the others was the fact that their database was not built on a Microsoft product. Before anyone gets carried away I am not anti Microsoft. I love their products and supported them for a living years ago. However, Microsoft databases are more prone to hiccups and failures than the FileMaker Pro that FrameReady uses.

I do not believe that FrameReady is doing credit card processing at this time. If it is important to you to process cards through your POS, maybe you need to work with LifeSaver on the issues your are having.
Welcome to teh Grumble,
We have had Powerpay for several months. I have found that some credit cards are dirty and you have to maually enter them. We used to do that with the old credit card machine too. Overall we are very happy with is very efficient. Call Lifesaver I am sure they will help you resolve your problem.
Good morning,

Thanks all for your input.
Steve and his staff has been great at walking us through some of the questions. Several tranactions yesterday - flawless - which is quite welcome.

Not enough experience to say what we we were doing wrong.

We will be inviting someone in from Lifesaver to do some training soon so we can work out some bugs and get more out of this system.

Appreciate everyone's input and help.
New shop owner with a great staff.
Sure the grumble is going to be a great asset.
