Frame makes it Fine Art?


SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Apr 29, 2002
Corrales, New Mexico
I have been informed by the managers (not the jurors) of a miniature show that my work is "Craft, not Art." because I painted on ceramic discs with a hole in them, so they could be hung by a ribbon.

They say they will accept it with a frame on it.


I'll frame these if that's what it takes, because I know I can sell them at that show. I just think they are being snobs.

So, what's your opinion? These are maximum 3 1/4 inches. And, how the heck would you frame them?
GOOOOD katz Hanna!!! you do freddie from memory???didnt think it snowed like that where u are....I'd try oval mat in square w/a kmart $2 frame. sometime people cant see the forest for their BIG HEADS!!!!
HannaFate, my FIRST impression was 'craft', as these are typically seen at craft shows (usually transfer-type decals, not original, fine art).

But you also state 'miniature' show, and these, IMHO should qualify. I guess they are being a bit snooty because of the platform utilized (not canvas).

Mounted with silicone-based adhesive on fabric, matted maybe?

But after all is said and done, these are beautiful works of art!
:D Thanks!

It does snow here once in a while, and often in the mountains. Freddie hadn't seen snow before, and wasn't sure he liked it.

I've been thinking I might cut a hole in fomeboard, cover it with stretchy velvet, and inset the pieces.

I might even fill in the holes and paint over them.
Put it in some kind of frame that can be easily opened by the consumer and the necklace be removed and worn. Could be a very "temporary" kind of thing. Tell them when you sell it to them just to open the back of the frame and remove the piece for wearing.

These are stunning ! I have done a new cat painting, I wish I knew how to post it so you could see it.

I have done a new cat painting, I wish I knew how to post it so you could see it.

If you have it in digital form (i.e. digital pic or scan) the following URL will show you how to do it:
These are not craft by any stretch of the imagination unless you also made the disc's,even then it would be debatable.
They are superb works of fine art in the same way that painted brooches and other painted pieces of jewelry are.
How talented you are! I especially love Scooter! Would they accept them hanging on an ornament type stand? They're truly art to me!
Weren't minatures often created to be worn as lockets? Maybe you should talk to a silversmith about a simple (or complex) bezel (I think I got that right, I should check with my wife the silversmith but she's not here right now). I think a little silver enclosure would really make them treasures and be very versetile. I think there may be one or two silversmiths in your neck of the woods?
Hanna - those are absolutely gorgeous and that whole "craft vs. art" thing is why I stopped exhibiting at shows and keep my durned work all for myself! I put a piece of macrame in a frame once ( a long time ago) because I thought that would make it "art") but the jury told me they would only show the piece if I removed the frame. Ya just cain't win sometimes! LOL!

Do you do commissions?
Wow, Hanna, you are really good. Thanks for posting them.

I agree with Mar. Those jerks probably wouldn't even think the horse entries are original.
Originally posted by HannaFate:
I have been informed by the managers (not the jurors) of a miniature show that my work is "Craft, not Art." because I painted on ceramic discs with a hole in them, so they could be hung by a ribbon.

They say they will accept it with a frame on it... And, how the heck would you frame them?
Okay ... I'll be the lone voice of dissension here. I will keep it brief, but if you like, can pursue this further:

Because, and only because, each piece has a hole, it can now be reasonably viewed to be a "pendant" (craft) rather than a "piece of (non-functional) fine art.

Although we're now into one of those infamous "grey areas", I think, in their own minds, the managers of the show are being quite reasonable...

They are not passing judgement on the quality of your art, simply defining the parameters of their own show and, in their own minds, delineating between what is (fine) craft, and what is (fine)art.

There are many easy ways to frame these. You also might consider framing sans verre, without glass, so that the frame becomes a kind of display case for the pendant?

Having said all this, if the show in question is specifically a "fine art" miniatures show, might it not be unreasonable for them to require all works of art submitted to be "suitably framed"?

Good luck, in any event, Hanna.
I don't know about the framing making them fine art. Personally, I think it would be a shame to force these into frames just to comply with someones arbitrary rules.

I have a very nice portrait of Cubby painted with oils on particle board and hung by a beaded hanger installed by the artist. I have looked at floater frames for this and decided to leave well-enough alone.

How do I edit my post?
This I know about.

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*My wife is a mouse curser. Just the other day she said, "There's a ******* dead mouse under the dishwasher!"
Originally posted by Ron Eggers:
*My wife is a mouse curser. Just the other day she said, "There's a ******* dead mouse under the dishwasher!"
Better a dead mouse than a live one!
You should have heard me shriek when that little devil ran past me at 5am one morning. :eek: :D
Originally posted by Ron Eggers:
I don't know about the framing making them fine art. ..
You're right, Ron. Framing will not change the essence of they are or are not. The line between "fine art" and "fine craft" is a hazy one at best.

On the other hand if, for example, these same lovely images were painted on smooth rocks, would this make them "craft"...

How about if they were painted on stoneware mugs, or small wooden boxes? How about T shirts?

We're not discussing the quality of the images. Neither are we disparaging the artistry or craftsmanship of the items in question. We are talking about how, or if, they fit into the parameters of a particular show.

Decisions, arbitrary or not, must be made at each show. The simple fact is that with each show, right or wrong, it is those in charge who make the decisions; life is seldom "fair"...

It would seem (from the limited information we have here) that the intent of these particular folks is to present a showing of "fine art" miniatures. And, it would seem that putting these items into frames would satisfy their (albeit arbitrary) "rules".

As an artist who has participated in many juried shows over the years, I really don't see the problem here.

I'll be glad to continue this mild debate one on one but, for now, I think I've taken up more than enough Grumbling space on this topic.
Jeez Hanna, I'm thinking 5" wide VERY gaudy, VERY bright gold Louis 16th.... spandral.

'corse, if they were dogs it would be spanial... :D

did I miss it somewhere? what size are these? Can they be broach or pendent size for jewelry?

how much and can you have it for Christmas?
I have sold similar sized paintings (on masonite, in a little frame) for $250. If someone from the Grumble wanted one, I would give them the "wonderful person" discount, of course.

The round ones are 3", and the ovals are 2 1/4 by 3 1/4.

I can work from photos, hint hint. Gimme two weeks.