frame design preview software ?????


Feb 20, 2003
I have heard of software that creates a digital image of a frame design before it is actually built.(giving the client a visual on the computer screen of the frame and mats around their art) Does anyone know about this? Is it useful? Who makes it, and do any of the POS software programs offer it? I imagine the colors probably wont be very accurate.

We did something like that when it first came out. Customers wanted to see every possible combination on it which made framing selection too slow. I imagine it has been improved as many digital products have seen improvement in the last 2 or 3 years.
I've tried two of them: One from Wizard and another called FrameShop Pro, which also had a basic pricing and order-writing componant.

I never actually wrote an order with either of them. Of the two, the Wizard product was much better designed, but I'd find myslef hunting down actual mat and frame samples to see what they really look like.
Approximately 10 POS systems offer this feature, in various flavors. For a variety of reasons, it hasn't really caught on yet, but it's impressive to see at the trade shows. Some work with pre made print images from vendors, while others require a scanner or digital camera to be mounted above the design counter(s).

There's a vendor list HERE, and I've noted which ones have this feature in the column titled "Visualization".

Hopefully others will chime in that have used this type of product with some advice.

Mike (counting down the last 4 days until VACATION!)