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CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Dec 5, 2004
East Yorkshire. UK
How do I quote part of text from a previous post. Also do you just click on the emoticons to insert them.
Originally posted by Mick11:
How do I quote part of text from a previous post. Also do you just click on the emoticons to insert them.
Method one: Click on the quotation marks above the post you want to quote from. This will open a new reply window with the entire thread pre-formatted for quotation. Delete any part of the previous post you DON'T want to quote, but be careful not to delete any of the formatting. (The parts included in brackets.) That will look like the quote above.

If you delete some of the formatting, it might like this:

Originally posted by Mick11:
How do I quote part of text from a previous post. Also do you just click on the emoticons to insert them.
Mick [/qb]
Method two: Highlight the part of the post you want to quote and either use ctrl-c to copy it to your windows clipboard or right-click with your mouse and select Copy from the pop up menu. Go to the Full Reply form, choose Quote from the instant UBB Code menu (click on the button,) position your cursor in the middle of the quotation formatting and use ctrl-v (or right click with the mouse and choose Paste) to insert the contents of the Windows clipboard.

That'll look like this:

How do I quote part of text from a previous post. Also do you just click on the emoticons to insert them.
To use the Instant Graemlins, position the cursor and click on a Graemlin. I think you can use a maximum of eight in a single post.
Cocked that up.
Originally posted by Ron Eggers:
Originally posted by Mick11:
[qb] How do I quote part of text from a previous post. Also do you just click on the emoticons to insert them.
Think I have it now ,thanks Ron

The impossible I can do today,
Miracles take a little longer
Has a slightly better ring to it than "messed up"
dont you think


The impossible I can do today
Miracles take a little longer
I would like to know how I get one of those cute pictures next to my name!


Cocked that up.

Must be a man thing!


Grumblers can choose from a wide selection of stock avatars. (I don't know why they're called avatars.) Moderators can use custom avatars - a distinction which has caused more than a few mutinous uprisings on The Grumble in the past.

At the top of the page, choose My Profile. At the upper left of that page, choose Edit Profile. Look for Choose a Different Avatar. Choose one. Save your profile.

Your new avatar will appear immediately on new posts, but will take a while to appear on your previously-posted messages because you are so far from Rhode Island.
Originally posted by elsa:

Cocked that up.

Must be a man thing!

I don't know, there was a show on late night TV last night. I was trying to get some stuff done and was too lazy (lazy, hah) to get up to change the channel....In that case it was definately not a ..........Man thing............oops wrong forum again! ;)

Here's what I'v found

To cock up something indicates that there has been a bungle or mess up but not a disaster in a project. The source here is obscure. The saying has sexual overtones but would hardly be used in the way that it is if this were so. It is said that "cock up" is an innocent expression meaning "error" used by printers and others, including poachers. This latter group could well be the true origin since it is claimed that, if you startle a pheasant that you're stalking, then it will squawk and the noise sounds like "Cock up".

A second possibility suggests an origin based on "cocking" a flintlock pistol. If not cocked up there was likely to be a disaster when the trigger was pulled. To be cock sure comes from this source but otherwise I'm not impressed.

A third suggestion comes from archery. The arrows of traditional English long bows had three feathers. One of these, named the "cock" feather, had to be positioned away from the line of the bow string, otherwise it would hit the string and affect the flight of the arrow to produce a "cock up".

In December 2002 Terry Instone offered the following: "..............May I contribute a fourth possibility for cock-up (which I heard many years ago)? When a fermented barrel of wine is ready to be run-off for bottling, a stop-cock is driven into the barrel and a sample is tasted to check for quality. If the wine has turned sour, the cock is twisted upside down showing that the barrel is not to be used - hence.... "
I didn't figure it out my daughter did!!
I am so Techno challenged!
Teenagers these days just know everything, and if they don't they sure think they do!


but thanks anyway