actually you probabaly wouldn' offense but i have read alot of posts and it seems alot of people are still in the "dark ages". i have been doing this for four years and i see people on here who have been doing this for ages, asking simple questions that you should already know the answer too, especially if you own your own business, from questions how to fix compressors, to proper mounting ways, and even simple business questions, i feel in the framing business thier are more craftsman then business men, i stay out of the actual money aspect, i have a bookeeper for that. my number one tip, it takes money to make money, i buy the best equipment that i feel i will use, i network other buisness that have "endless" bankrolls, realestate, corporations, doctors, what have you, my clients use my services to make money for thier business, and promotion, like i said i do very little "housewives projects"
i do not fall into gimmics, or coupons, or free this and free that, i try not to worry what the big boxes are doing, because that is not my clientle i am trying to service, i tell people if you want a mat and a mat only, go to micheals, beacause your'll save money, but if you want to do your whole office, come to me, becasue they will charge 70% more then me.
i am straight forward, i do not make my services or products less expensive so the average schmo can hire me.if you want to hire me you will pay what i am asking, and most importantly i don't let the customers run my business, i was in micheals the other day i saw a lady throwing a fit over the fact the picture was not done, and she had a party and so forth, she wanted the project for free and wanted this and wanted that, guess what, she mad such a stink the manager gave her a 300.00 set up for FREE.......that is bad business, not only will she never probably shop thier again, but she will bad mouth you and your employees all day long, and guess what, it cost them 300.00 for bad publicity, they should have offered to make it right, or take the picture out and give her the money back, stupid behavior goes on all day long in business, all you are doing is bending over for them, and loosing money. this is no different then custom home building or construction, and should be treated as such.....that is my opinion.